Looking for a man - for two lovely Sturi's

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Looking for a man - for two lovely Sturi's

Post by descarte8 »

Well hopefully that got your attention, or perhaps only of the moderators....

I went out shopping for a male to join 2 lonely lovely female Sturisoma I have had now for a few years, but it dawned on me, Im not 100% sure exactly what they are. Now I thought they were sold to me as Panamense, but looking at them now, I dont think they have that deep brown distinctive marking down the sides.... being more mottled or pale. I also read on another forum, that true Panamense are rarely if ever imported.

A second (or third) opinion would be great, I had them spawning monthly a year or two back, but since my move I lost the males (had 6 in total and a stressful time moving from Plymouth to the northeast, 7 hour drive without flat tires and other nightmares... but thats a story for another day).

Would be great to find them a partner, they we proliffic spanwers , but this all hinges on knowing exactly which species they are...

Any help, much appreciated.

Oh yeh size might help, they are around 15cm body, 20cm including tail extensions




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Joined: 17 Aug 2017, 22:46
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Re: Looking for a man - for two lovely Sturi's

Post by descarte8 »

Reading the descriptions of Panemnse on this very forum, it states that Panamense have a lack of trailing fins, this seems to be the case for mine, all except the tail fins (which would rules them out being panamense and festivum too and Leightoni being more marbled than mine).

But further reading leads me to suspect Sturisomatichthys aureus (trailing tail fins) and horizontal markings behind the first dorsal ray?
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