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C091 spawned

Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 21:47
by steveh28
I had a great opportunity to get a group of Corydoras C091 earlier this year. I am very happy with the fish overall, and down right excited that they have already spawned for me. The fry are approaching 90 days old, and have recently really taken on the appearance of the adults. The fertalization rates were very high, as well as hatch rate. Fry mortality has been very low as well.
Adults with young
Adults with young

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 21:49
by The.Dark.One
Congratulations :d

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 22:46
by corybreed
Congrats Steve. I also have C091. What are your water parameters.


Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 23:10
by Coryologist
Beautiful fish. Where did you get them??? lol. Cheers. - Frank

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 23:25
by steveh28
Thanks everyone.

I am not real certain on the water conditions. I know my water is fairly hard where I live and pH is slightly below 7 out of the tap. They are in straight tap water. I really should get a test kit so I can fill out more complete breeding logs and answer questions like this.

I can give more details about the tank. It is a 20 long and has a good sized piece of mopani wood and oak leaves. There are a few crypts and a ball of java moss.

And Frank, thanks for slightly twisting my arm and talking me into pulling the trigger on getting these. Amazing fish, even if one is missing an eye!

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 00:07
by Coryologist
steveh28 wrote:one is missing an eye!
Was not aware of that. First I've heard. Good manners would dictate that this isn't really the place to first mention it. It's been how many months???

I have a C. adolfoi in my spawning group with no eyes since a juvie. Lays eggs, just fine. - Frank

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 00:30
by steveh28
I did mention it in our first emails about the shipment. I am in no way upset about it, as we discussed it has no effect on the well being and lifespan of the fish. I was simply making a joke since it is sort of visible in that picture. It was in no way a comment on you or the quality of your fish. These are wild caught, and I know from time to time this sort of thing happens.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 00:42
by Coryologist
steveh28 wrote:I did mention it in our first emails about the shipment.
Honestly, I do not recall that. While I do suffer from the ravages of profound memory loss, I rarely, if ever, allow something like that to go by me. Look how long it took to get your credit for the DOA, though. I think I may have moved beyond Halfheimers. :(
I am in no way upset about it, as we discussed it has no effect on the well being and lifespan of the fish.
See what I mean. I absolutely do not recall having that conversation, al all. lol.
I was simply making a joke since it is sort of visible in that picture. It was in no way a comment on you or the quality of your fish. These are wild caught, and I know from time to time this sort of thing happens
True, but I had enough where I would have not sent a fish like that, had I noticed it, regardless of the lack of ill-effect on the fish. I would have gladly kept that and sent you another. Additionally, now that you mention it, I think one in my group might be missing an eye. Infection if memory serves.

Sorry for feeling slightly insulted, but I strive to never afford anyone an opportunity to complain about any fish I ship. I'm kinda sensitive about that. lol.

Yes, making a joke in a post can be difficult to get across. That's why they invented these: :)

No offense, taken, Steve. Cheers. - Frank

Re: C091 spawned

Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 03:54
by steveh28
No complaints at all Frank. I could be one of the easiest people to get along with, as long as I feel I am being treated fairly. You have gone above and beyond in your communication and allowing me access to such great fish. I truly appreciate everything you have done for me.