My BLogs Right Breeding report for Duringlanis romani by Jools

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Sunday 8th of August 2010. The breeding group consisted of 2 males and 3 females. The smallest male was at least 22mm SL and the smallest female was at least 28mm SL. The youngest adult was approximately 12 months old. The individuals were obtained from Outside Inside Aquatics, Haddington, UK (closed).
1.Bloodworm (frozen) daily
2.Tetra Flake (dry / prepared) occasionally
3.Brineshrimp (Artemia) (frozen) occasionally
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 6.20 to 7.20
Conductivity 100µs to 200µs
Temperature 25.0°C to 26.0°C
Current Medium
Other Water Params Water current diffused by thick plants.
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 279mm x 381mm x 305mm (11" x 15" x 12") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Sand substrate, tank stuffed with plants, plastic and live cabomba. Holey driftwood piece.
Filtration Fluval 2 internal.
Lighting Grolux.
Heating 50W visitherm internal heater/stat.
Down Breeding
Behaviour Eggs were scattered into plants but found all over aquarium.
Eggs There were 8 translucent eggs laid which were 6.0mm in diameter.
Time to hatch 3 days
Number: 8
Free swimming: 8 days
Segregation Parents might eat young, however larger young do eat smaller siblings.
Fry sizes 7 days: 8mm
14 days: 10mm
21 days: 14mm
7 days
14 days
21 days
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 14mm
3 months: 16mm
6 months: 20mm
1 month
3 months
6 months
Fry and juvenile feeding Youngsters feed powdered flake, then flake and brineshrimp. Will tackle small (frozen) bloodworm once 10mm TL. Rather similar to rearing guppies.