My BLogs Right Breeding report for Scleromystax barbatus by characinkid

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Sunday 2nd of January 2022. The breeding group consisted of 4 males and 2 females. The youngest adult was approximately 24 months old. The individuals were obtained from Purchased on Aquabid..
1.Bug bites. (dry / prepared) daily
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 6.90 to 7.00
Temperature 20.0°C to 23.0°C
Current Medium
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 762mm x 305mm x 305mm (30" x 12" x 12") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Pool sand, bogwood, plastic plants. Plenty of open space
Filtration Filtered by Eheim aquaball and small air driven sponge filter
Lighting Low light
Heating None, room temp.
Down Breeding
Behaviour Happened after 20% water change with lower temp water. Normal T mating from little I saw of it.
Eggs There were 10 eggs laid which were 0.0mm in diameter.
Time to hatch 6 days
Number: 5
Free swimming: 2 days
Segregation Eggs were separated into floating net. and added airstone for additional water movement for first 3 days.
Fry sizes 7 days: 0mm
14 days: 0mm
21 days: 0mm
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 0mm
3 months: 0mm
6 months: 0mm
Fry and juvenile feeding Fry fed microworms everyday. Fed crushed Bug Bites and other powered fry food once per day.