Basics |
Overview | The first spawn was on Sunday 14th of July 2013. The breeding group consisted of 1 male and 1 female. Additionally, there were 4 unknown individuals present. The smallest male was at least 38mm SL and the smallest female was at least 44mm SL. The individuals were obtained from Petsmart. |
Feeding | 1. | Flake (dry / prepared) daily | |
Water Parameters (at time of spawning) |
pH | 6.80 to 7.00 |
Temperature | 24.5°C to 25.0°C |
Current | Medium |
Other Water Params | Tap (well water) is right around 7.0 in ph. Had just done a 40 % water change dropping the tank temp from 80 to 74 f. |
Aquarium |
Dimensions | The aquarium dimensions were 610mm x 305mm x 406mm (24" x 12" x 16") all Length x Width x Height. |
Furniture | Fully planted aquarium, driftwood |
Filtration | Fluval 2 with sponges |
Lighting | Standard fluorescent grow tube, led back up lighting also 2 hours of sun a day on a quarter of the tank. |
Heating | None in summer |
Breeding |
Behaviour | These fish were very sickly when purchased in April from Petsmart, one of the males died 5 days later. The remaining 3 continued to get healthy and surprised me with a spawn. Only one female participated and the other seemed interested a few days later but I never did see her spawn. The participating female laid one egg at a time and I saw her place about 13 eggs on various leaves, moss and roots. |
Eggs | There were 13 amber clear eggs laid which were 0.0mm in diameter. |
Time to hatch | 5 days Number: 12 Free swimming: 3 days |
Segregation | Removed eggs from parent tank to separate small container, water changed 3 times a day, water from parent tank. No added anti-fungal, no eggs got fungus, I dropped one egg back in parent tank on accident during water exchange. Also lost one fry in parent tank, jumped right up the water stream. 7/21/13 moved 11 fry to sand bottom, planted 1 1/2 gallon tank. I probably won't lay eyes on them again for a few weeks, fingers crossed I see them again!! |
Fry sizes | 7 days: 5mm 14 days: 6mm 21 days: 8mm |
21 days | |
Juvenile sizes | 1 month: 12mm 3 months: 0mm 6 months: 0mm |
1 month | |
Fry and juvenile feeding | Baby brine shrimp,micro worms, Repashy Spawn & Grow, Don's fry food |