13 Otocinclus, 12 might be macrospilus, 1 I'm unsure.

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13 Otocinclus, 12 might be macrospilus, 1 I'm unsure.

Post by Connudatus »

Not sure what I have exactly. All but one or two of the thirteen otos I have look like macrospilus. the ones that look different have a different tail shape, a green gold hue instead of grey, and a different tail sploch. I'll post pictures of both.

This first one I only have one maybe two that look like this. You can see the tail marking and overall color are different from those in the two other photos I have posted.
The rest look like this, I'm guessing macrospilus, feel free to tell me if you think other wise. The photo after this shows more accurate coloring on what I believe are the same fish.
macrospilus maybe?
macrospilus maybe?
For color
For color
All thirteen came from AquaticArts, I'm guessing they get all of there otos from one place. So it's likely these share a similar distribution range. I had thought the Oto in the first picture might be vittatus, but it is collected in a range far away from that of macrospilus.

If I need to post more photos or closer photos of certain parts, let me know. It may take me a bit, but I should be able to oblige. Any help would be appreciated :]
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