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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 10:08
by Marc van Arc
@ Dave: yes, I can imagine people thinking it's dead, especially because of all the white in the facial area. Seems a pretty huge fish btw.

@ Daniel: thanks. I can easily replace juvenile T. intermedia with T. perugiae or Glanidium. In that case it's an absolute no go.

Furthermore: RichardB provided me with a (known) site on which Novia zevallos was mentioned, a name I didn't include in the comon names list. I wondered why and the answer was found somewhere earlier in this thread.
On that site it refers to Trachelyopterus albicrux, but in a much earlier post made by HH it says that N. zevallos refers to Tatia aulopygia. That is of course too far apart and most likely the reason it wasn't included.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 11:03
by grokefish
Marc, I can only speak for my own False Jags but they have never eaten anything bigger than baby Endlers and Neons. Watching them eating the endlers was interesting, it was only one of them, the biggest and he was in his hidy hole and shooting out and snapping them up as they swam by. They eat the neons because neons sleep on the bottom of the tank at night and really do go to sleep they seem oblivious to the world, which is a shame as neons are my favorite swimmy fish and I havn't been able to keep them for years. All catfish have been cool with the morrowi even pygmy corys.
On another point, he grokefish finnally lost his rag yesterday and bit half the tail off Kaths Panaque spine and all. Kath was in a terrible rage and was up for sending him to an early grave so I scooped him out and put him in solitary.
It was totally out of character for him, but the panaque had been bugging him for a few days as it had been evicted from it's regular hidey hole by believe it or not a 3/4 inch parancistrus nudiventris.
Although nothing to do with this thread those parancistrus are feisty buggers, I have baryancistrus in the tank as well, a very pugnacious fish themselves, about three inches long and the only fish they won't mess with with hidey holes or food are the parancistrus. The are not aggressive fish (the paras) they don't attack, but they go where they want when they want and thats the end of it.
Oh and by the way I would have said Morrowi are very greedy, more so than Jags, but they are also less timid and will come out any time 'o' the day. Also when they have settled in they coloration is much nicer than you will ever see in photos, they are always 'washed out' in photos, when settled they are a dark chocolate brown with very contrasting white spots in a very definite pattern, very starry. (like stars). This shows best if provided with a dark substrate such as leaf litter.
Another bonus of this fish is they are niphomaniac rapists, if fed up well, all it takes is a colder water change and they are at it like evil maniac rabbits, they actually search out the female and basically rape her, poor thing, however nothing has ever come of this act so far so I don't think the female has been ready yet , this has been going on with annoying regularity since I first posted this observation a while back, which is when I think the males became sexually mature.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 15:27
by Marc van Arc
Hi Matt,
Thanks for that expanded reply. Of course I could have started doubting again after your post - which would be very normal in my case - but surprisingly I didn't. I'd better refrain from them, all aspects considered. The main problem is that it would be a fierce food competitor in any of my tanks, which I can do without.
Besides, you can't have them all - although it's very tempting :wink:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 15:21
by MatsP
Just a note to say that I've gone through the entire thread and "edited" every post that has clog tags, so that it now shows links instead of the clog-tag content. [I think Jools is still working on a fix for _ALL_ clog tags in every thread...]


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 16:14
by Jools
MatsP wrote:Just a note to say that I've gone through the entire thread and "edited" every post that has clog tags, so that it now shows links instead of the clog-tag content. [I think Jools is still working on a fix for _ALL_ clog tags in every thread...]


Yes, but if you edit and save a post with a clog tag in it, no change necessary, it will "recompile" the post so the tag then works...


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 16:20
by MatsP
Jools wrote:
MatsP wrote:Just a note to say that I've gone through the entire thread and "edited" every post that has clog tags, so that it now shows links instead of the clog-tag content. [I think Jools is still working on a fix for _ALL_ clog tags in every thread...]


Yes, but if you edit and save a post with a clog tag in it, no change necessary, it will "recompile" the post so the tag then works...

Sure. I just meant that there's no need for me (or someone else) to walk through EVERY SINGLE THREAD ever written and edit every CLOG post.


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 22:52
by gage
curse all you ppl with your Tatia perugiae :lol: , ive been looking with no luck at ALL!!!!! :cry:


Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 21:15
by Oliver D.
Oliver D. wrote:Hi,

I keep 5 or 6 Tatia perugiae and... [/img]
...and some more:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 10 Jan 2008, 19:21
by Marc van Arc
Hi Oliver,
Well done. Let's hope they all hatch and grow up nicely. Then you'll indeed have "some" more :D

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 10 Jan 2008, 19:43
by Marc van Arc
Here are some recent shots of my Ageneiosus vittatus*. As you can see the male is developing a large dorsal and - not clearly visible yet - a genital papilla. The female is somewhat paler than the male. They both have had a feeder each one hour ago and are about 5" atm. The third specimen, which is also a male, lives apart from these two.



Male with full(?) belly

* Name is (most likely) incorrect; this species is so far undescribed. More information after reading that specific part in Walsh' dissertation.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 14 Jan 2008, 10:35
by grokefish

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 18 Jan 2008, 22:25
by grokefish
The Grokefish has gone mental, something has clicked in his head.
He got hold Of my L350, itself an agro fish and shook it like a pitbull with a ragdoll, it was mad as hell and totally unprovoked.
When I captured him with a net he did the same to that.
I put him in with the megladoras and he was fine, the only thing I can think of is that the L350 is black, cos he started attacking the loimadoras morrowi a while back, and left the oncinus alone.
I wonder if this is a territorial thing.
He is a she by the way, I would hate to see if she bumped into another Trachy, or maybe it would be good if it was a male.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 19 Jan 2008, 20:07
by Marc van Arc
grokefish wrote:The Grokefish has gone mental, something has clicked in his head.
He got hold of my L350 and shook it like a pitbull with a ragdoll, it was mad as hell and totally unprovoked.
When I captured him with a net he did the same to that.
That sounds familiar. Strange things can apparently happen to this species. Too bad really, because your previous specimen was very easy going, wasn't it?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 22 Jan 2008, 19:25
by CFC
If it is too mental and starts posing danger to your fish stocks i know a nice big 900g tank it could live in :wink:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 22 Jan 2008, 21:36
by grokefish
I read somewhere that females are more aggressive than males so maybe this is the case and he is actually a she. Quite good actually because "The Groke" was a female in the Momins.
Well she's up for sale in my mates fish shop, but if you pick her up she's yours for the princely sum of FA.
I would keep her for my next trip to London (Wildwoods) but you remember the disaster that occurred last time :( , I just couldn't risk it.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 20:59
by Marc van Arc
Talking about females (I know, poor link), here's a picture of one of the female Tetranematichthys. Taken when lights out, it's not quite in focus but it surely gives an impression of this great fish. I was able to take some more - all with the same result - before it sank itself towards the bottom. When I peeked with a flashlight a little later it had already vanished from that spot, but I didn't want to bother it (them :wink:) anymore so I stopped using any lights and left the fishes in peace, quiet and darkness.

Btw: the tiny spots on the picture are bubbles from the diffusor.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 21:55
by sojapat
:thumbsup: Looking good my man !!!
Nice to see them :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 22:55
by grokefish
Why does no-one on this site use blue moon lights to view their fishys?
Just turn them on one hour before the main lights go out and hey presto one hour later fishys to watch
Nice fishys by the way Marc

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 08:00
by Marc van Arc
grokefish wrote:Why does no-one on this site use blue moon lights to view their fishys?
Just turn them on one hour before the main lights go out and hey presto one hour later fishys to watch
Nice fishys by the way Marc
Tell us a bit more. These lights must have a name, number etc. I would certainly like to try this as the old nightviewer seems beyond repair.....

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 19:21
by grokefish
They are blue light made for simulating moonlight in coral reef systems, literally blue fluorescent tubes.
get the smallest low wattage one you can and a power pack and away to go.
In a fish room just put a bigger one in the room and light all your tanks.
I takes the fish a while to get used to it and you have to play around with positioning and on smaller tanks you should mask off much of the light but it works I guarantee it, I have been doing it for years. It works best for sucky fish but eventually all catfish get accustomed to it.
By the way my jaguars must have got wind of my intention to exile them look at this:
and this was in daytime! He/she was just milling around poking into stuff and looking for things to do.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 20:12
by Bas Pels
Marc van Arc wrote:
grokefish wrote:Why does no-one on this site use blue moon lights to view their fishys?
Just turn them on one hour before the main lights go out and hey presto one hour later fishys to watch
Nice fishys by the way Marc
Tell us a bit more. These lights must have a name, number etc. I would certainly like to try this as the old nightviewer seems beyond repair.....
Hi Mark

volgens mij kan het ook met LCD licht, en dat ik makkelijker te dimmen, en in kleinere wattages te krijgen. Kijk eens op het vvv forum (, meen ik). LCD kan hard blauw

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 20:26
by Marc van Arc
@ Bas: I don't think people will understand that :D . Thanks anyway, I'll have a look at the LCD lights.

@ Matt: thanks, I'll look into it. I do hope it's not the same as the blue lights that are used for sea tanks though.
I tried that once and my fishes became absolutely crazy. However, that one didn't imitate moonlight with 58 W, it was more like a blue sun really :wink:

Nice morrowis, don't get rid of them (said the person who's been in doubt whether or not to get rid of his oncinus for weeks now :? )

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 21:32
by Birger
and this was in daytime! He/she was just milling around poking into stuff and looking for things to do.
It can be scary when a fish goes out of character like that...quite often means something is up
I do hope it's not the same as the blue lights that are used for sea tanks though.
These are different...low wattage LED's you can get them separate for real cheap but you have to combine them with your light somehow or get them combined as a package on fixtures. ... 0&offset=0


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 21:39
by Lutt
Im just wondering whats my last driftwoodcat is for a species? Glanidium leopardum?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 23:42
by Richard B
Ooooo - nice! (though not sure the seashells are typical of their habitat :shock:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 30 Jan 2008, 07:49
by Bas Pels
Marc van Arc wrote:@ Bas: I don't think people will understand that :D . Thanks anyway, I'll have a look at the LCD lights.
I intended to pm you - thus the Dutch :oops:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 30 Jan 2008, 09:05
by Marc van Arc
Lutt wrote:Im just wondering whats my last driftwoodcat is for a species? Glanidium leopardum?
Were they by any chance called/named/labelled Tatia spec Peru?? Looks a lot like the one I have, although yours seems bigger.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 16:17
by Marc van Arc
grokefish wrote:Why does no-one on this site use blue moon lights to view their fishys?
Today I came across the little device below. I'll make some pictures later on while it is "working".


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 09:27
by Lutt
Marc van Arc wrote:
Lutt wrote:Im just wondering whats my last driftwoodcat is for a species? Glanidium leopardum?
Were they by any chance called/named/labelled Tatia spec Peru?? Looks a lot like the one I have, although yours seems bigger.
In the store and on his website are they named "Jaguar Catfish" and they are from Peru. Tatia sp. "peru"??? do you have pic?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 09:45
by Marc van Arc
Lutt wrote:In the store and on his website are they named "Jaguar Catfish" and they are from Peru. Tatia sp. "peru"??? do you have pic?
See this thread; page 15 (near the bottom of the page)