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Gold mystus

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 21:12
by Zack
i was wondering if any of you knew the scientific name for this fish? Or atleast the propper common name as this one seems to be one of those fake lfs names. Thanks.

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 21:21
by Silurus
<i>Mystus tengara</i>. The name is also sometimes applied to <i>M. vittatus</i>.

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 21:43
by Zack
Thanks, i had a fealing it was either tengara or armatus. I have read at a couple sites that are very unsocial fish and pretty aggressive, is this with coenspecifics or all fish?? I know theyre asain fish but how would they do in a s. american settup with pictus,a gibbi,a clown plec,and two pimelodella grassilus?? The tank is just a sand bottomb with a huge driftwood tangle. Will they do good in here or would they appreciate a planted tank more??

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 22:02
by Silurus
Tengaras are actually more mild-mannered than vittatus. If you get the real tengaras, they're sweet little fish that will stay small. Don't really need planted tanks...they're comfy enough with a driftwood tangle.

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 22:23
by Zack
Thanks again silirus, iv also read that they eat anything that will fit in their mouths is this true?? Well they be safe with neons and cardinal tetras?? Thanks

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 22:26
by Silurus
Well, tengaras are kind of small to be eating neons and cardinals. That said, I haven't actually kept them with non-catfish that small (I've kept them with other small catfishes and they were fine).

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 22:50
by Zack
Good to hear. Thanks.

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 20:30
Zack I would be careful of adding the tetras. You will notice them dissapear very quickly. Go for bigger bodied fish instead, try some congo's or rainbows instead.

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 21:28
by Sid Guppy
Highbuilt tetra's however can be used; it's almost uncanny how both tetra and catfish seem to know that it won't fit.
even fairly small tetra's like Gymnocorymbus, Hyphessobrycon callistus or H erythrostigma for example are safe.
that is, if we're talking small Mystus here. Medium big ones (4-6") need bigger tankmates like Congotetra's or African Red eyes, if Characins are to your liking. There's a whole truckload of nice sturdy Asian barbs however, much better suited as tankmates and greatly underrated too: Barbus conchonius, B aurulius, B fasciatus to name a few; or bigger Rasbora's like the stunning red R callochroma or R trilineata. They're more upper/mid water dwellers, definitely suityed for nice-behaved Mystus company.
And if you've got a roomy tank Balanthiocheilus melanopterus makes a nice tankmates for even fairly robust Asian catfish; Crossocheilus sp and Epalzeorhynchus will do well too.

Check 'em out; google a bit. There are MANY easy to get PRETTY Asian Fish out there.....

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 02:54
by Zack
Thanks for all the help, The tank i wanted to add them to already has some small tetras in it (bloodfin and neon) so i think i'll pass. But atleast i know a little about them now. Thanks