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Synodontis Zebra Kutu

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 02:22
by tarheelguy
if anyone has any info on this fish i would greatly appreciate anything that someone has to offer. i saw this fish at my lfs and was unable to get any info due to the store being extremely busy due to an insane sale. thought the cat was really cool looking. how large does the fish get,water conditions,tankmates,etc.....

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 02:42
by Rusty
IIRC, it is just a very nice color morph of Synodontis nigriventris. Care, breeding, husbandry, etc. should be similar. How much are they going for?


Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 03:09
by tarheelguy
IIRC they were priced at $14.99. my lfs tends to be on the pricey side so i dont know if this is high/low or about right. thanks for the info.

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 04:49
by ggdhazel
I saw another new one like that too. They had somthing marked at the lfs called "gold spot upsidedown cat" and it wasnt an angelicus. It looked more like a lancer cat. It had the same whisker config as other syn. but longer like the alberti's. But they were missing the comblike filaments on the lower whiskers. Are they able to manipulate synos. with crossbreeding now?

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 10:15
by Sid Guppy
Oh, Yes!
just do a search for Czech breeders or Czech hybrids, and you'll find a truckload of posts on this topic....

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 14:52
by Dinyar
Zebra Kutu is a variety of S. nigriventris, as Rusty noted. $15 sounds pricey to me.

Your "Gold-Spot Upside Down Cat" is almost certainly Mystus leucophasis. Not a Synodontis.


Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 13:18
by Chrysichthys
They cost about the same here. They keep their pattern as they grow, unlike the usual nigriventris, which tends to fade. They should be kept in a group so it would work out expensive.