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golden nugget not feeding

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 12:04
by jonnydiscopants
i have bought a small golden nugget plec. he very rarelly eats and hasnt got the round belly my sailfin has. i have tried him on frozen bloodworms but no success. there is drift wood and plenty of hiding places in the tank. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 12:18
by Silurus
Try feeding it zucchini. The sailfin will love it as well.

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 13:33
by Plec0maniac
Try to put heater on your tank. or remove the sailfin cuz it might be the cost why your nugget aint eating. Bec. of stress and aggression of the sailfin....

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 19:54
by wae71
You're supposed to quarantine any wild fish! If you dont have a quarantine tank have the lfs quarantine it for you. Make sure it's eating before you take it home.
In your situation I would try to feed it-- mussels, carnivore sinking pellets, frozen foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp, whiteworms) and shrimp pellets. My nuggett accepts all these. GOOD LUCK!

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 21:57
by PhilipAsh

I had recently purchased a small peppermint plec and had exactly the same problem.
I put him in his own 18x10x10 tank to quarantine and he didnt eat for over a week.
I counted the amount of food in the tank, and out when i cleaned it up again.
I was doing 50% water changes per day with remineralised RO water. I tried offering all kinds of foods, bloodworms,blackworms,glassworms,peas,algae wafers,flake, prima pellets,general catfish pellets.

On day 8 i added some Liquisil general tonic and a drop of Vitazin (vitamin supplement).
That night he ate. But only the catfish pellets and a lot of bogwood. :)
After that he ate every night but only the catfish pellets. As i did the water changes, i redosed the tank with the Liquisil. He kept eating and gaining weight.
That was 8 weeks ago. Now he looks stunning and is enjoying life in his proper home (36x24x24).

It was the first time I had used Liquisil, and it was on the advice of someone on Planet Catfish. Do it ! It was the best 4 quid i spent this year.


Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 23:45
by angel
You could try soaking your foods in a bit of crushed garlic as has been suggested in other posts. I tried it (cause I didn't really believe it) and all the fish went into a feeding frenzy. The fish don't touch the garlic and it has to be removed soon after. The downside is that the tank (and house) smells like a frenchmans armpit for ages after !

Posted: 26 Apr 2003, 11:50
by jonnydiscopants
thanx for the help people. the little fella is eatin like a trooper! hes only small but is boss of my tank. the sailfin is 7 inches long compared to his puny 2 inch body size but he has no worries about chasin my sailfin back to his end of the tank! ta peeps

Posted: 26 Apr 2003, 19:33
by PhilipAsh

What did you do to get him eating again?


Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 19:08
by jonnydiscopants
i took him out and kept him in his own tank. i fed him blood worms like that for a week and then tried him back in the origanal tank and that was it! he was off and is feedin on cucumber etc now.