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Barbel problems with my Schilbeidae

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 13:40
by Caol_ila

I brought home a Parailia sp. that contaminated a debauwi shipment. He was fine yesterday but today all of his barbels are gone. Hes sitting in a 25 Litre quarantine tank on half used water and half freshwater. The nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 10. ph is 7. The water is well oxygenated.
Im clueless to what has caused this? Im surprised by the speed of the loss of barbels...took about 10 hours. My first guess is very agressive bacteria.
Any ideas? Treatments?

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 13:58
by Silurus
Are the missing barbels the only symptom? I've seen schilbeids (and sometimes silurids) succumb very quickly to an infection in which the barbel loss is usually accompanied by either sores or an area of dead flesh around the mouth.

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 14:11
by Caol_ila
It has only one eye so this might be infected...i have furanol here...or malachite green...