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Need breeding help...

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 09:05
by bernt
I just got eggs from my C. elegans, but what are the trick to manage to raise the fry? I?ve never been breeding any Corydoras before, but I did try to hatch egg from C. elegans once before, but everyone died. How should I do it? How often do you change water in the breeding tank, and what do you feed the new-hatched fry with?


Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 10:04
by Sid Guppy
A few tips (curently raising Hoplo-fry; almost the same!)
-NO substrate on the bottom
-clean the bottom with a small paintbrush, and such up the debris with a thin hose (avoid sucking up fry!)
-Eggs hatch after 4-5 days; use a fungicide to avoid fungus; and put in a few ramshornsnails; these eat fungused eggs, dead fry and food leftovers; but no live eggs or fry.
-IMPORTANT! the first two days the fry live on their yolk; do NOT feed them! the food will waste and poison the water; give growth to bacteries and fungus. Feed the young when they're getting active.
-Young corys eat microworms (careful; good food, but polluting) and fresh hatched babybrine.

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 18:28
by smilingSyno
Hi, I'm basically in the same situation with my Corydoras paleatus.
Don't have any ramshornsnails. Will trumpet snails or pond snails do the job?

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 20:48
by Coryman
If it is alarge spawning (100's of eggs) I will always move the adule fish and treat the water in the spawning tank with a half dose of Methylene blue. The eggs normally take 3 -4 days to hatch, during this time I change some of the water to gradually reduce the concentration of the blue, making sure to use water of the same quality and temperature.

Once the fry are free swimming, which normally takes 2 -3 days I start feeding (for small fry like C. elegans) pre-soaked powdered flake food, then as they grow they get alternate feeds of micro worm or newley hatched brine shrimp.

Hope it helps.


Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 11:16
by bernt
How often do you change water on the new-hatched fry? And how much do you change? I spoke to one Corydoras-breeder here in Norway, and he told me that he changes 95% of the water every day, and replaced it with fresh tap-water? Is that a good idea?

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 11:18
by bernt
I should add that it was a small spawn (ca 25 eggs) and I have removed the eggs and placed them in another tank.

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 21:22
by Coryman

With all due respect I have covered this question recently on another post 'Breeding paleatus what next' The details there should cover your question.


Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 21:24
by clothahump
looks like a good reason to have a FAQ section.

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 22:09
by Coryman
May be they could be taken and used directly from the forum posts. With the usual editing expertese.


Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 22:15
by clothahump
Very good Ian, yes I could do it again if Jools would like it done.

Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 14:36
by bernt
Coryman: I?m sorry, didn?t mean to bother you too much with these basic questions. I didn?t see your reply on the other post until I had written my questions here?


Posted: 14 Jan 2003, 00:14
by Coryman
Hey bernt no problem.


Posted: 14 Jan 2003, 18:14
by Jools
clothahump wrote:Very good Ian, yes I could do it again if Jools would like it done.
I would indeed. I am thinking of a sticky topic for the forum linked to a page (in Shane's World) we can update with FAQs as they happen. This would be a good "proof of concept" for similar things in the other forums.

Nice one.
