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compatability of new tank set-up

Posted: 22 May 2003, 16:50
by charlenerk
hi everybody,

i'm so glad all of you are here! i have used planet catfish (along with a few other sites) for research over the past year and have gotten lots of great info. i'm posting now because i am getting ready to set up my wish tank and would appreciate feedback about the combination of fish i hope to make a family of. a few days ago i set up my first tank, a 10 gal (future quarantine) with a couple of psuedomugil rainbows and mr. fish, (a betta i've kept in a bowl for about a year). after this tank cycles, i hope to set-up a 72 gal tank, and over time i want to include the following fish. my favorite is the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) [1], a striped raphael (Platydoras costatus) [1], a few pictus cats(Pimelodus pictus) [3-4], and a zebra pl*co (Hypancistrus zebra) [1-2], VeilTail Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp) [2-3 pair], assorted rainbows (psuedomugils)

i've researched these fish and their water parameters and preferred environment, but often times i find conflicting information, even from credible sources. for expamle, i've read the zebra pl*co is best kept with one per tank, i've also read they are best kept in a a group of 3-4. another expample, the pictus reach up to 6", or is it 10"?.

from what i have gathered through various sources, these fish are roughly compatible in environmental and behaviorial needs. keeping pH near 7.0, dH between 5-15, and temp around 78F. none too aggressive. some water current - but not too much for the angels.

Just thought i would run it by...any experiences/opinions/feedback is appreciated.

Posted: 22 May 2003, 16:55
by Silurus
Pictus cats reach only about 6". Other species of <i>Pimelodus</i> that grow bigger sometimes gets confused with them, which may explain the conflicting info you get.
<i>Pseudomugil</i> also does better in slightly harder water than what the other fish require.

Posted: 22 May 2003, 19:49
by Sid Guppy
I'd ditch the Pseudomugils and look for a slightly bigger Rainbowfish that can cope with softer, slightly more acidic water; or you'll be feeding them to the....

Apteronotus can and will reach 45 cm (1 1/2 foot!) in length and a 1-2" fish is like a snack for such a fish. They're nocturnals armed with a true electric field, wich they use for navigation and communication (unlike Electric Eels they do not kill or defend with it). The Ghostfish is a very capable hunter of small fish, esp small sleeping fish. pseudomugil is one of the smallest Rainbowfish in the trade and it has a long, stretched bodyshape wich will fit easy into any mouth. An adult pictus maybe able to snack a few too.
this is a halfgrown specimen!

this pic shows the deep mouth wich enables it to swallow small fishes....

Posted: 22 May 2003, 21:34
by T
My black ghost is 10-12" and has never eaten another fish in his life.At one point I had him with half inch krib fry and he never ate a single one.Just now he is living in an 80gal tank wich also houses three 2" striped barbs and similar sized hybrid cichlids.So they are not always predatory.But then again every fish is different.

Posted: 23 May 2003, 06:42
by charlenerk
yes, i was thinking i may have to split my tank once the the knifefish and the pictus start munching on my rainbows. i've read other posts of ghost fish owners stating their's don't eat small tankmates either, but more often than not they do. i'm pretty sure the pictus will though.

for the rainbows, i'm really captivated by their finnage and colors, and they are fairly unique - i've read they are pretty hardy and adaptable. i want to try them in my water, (and possibly their own tank if they become fish food). if they don't do well, i'll have to give them up :cry:

T - have you raised your knifefish with small fish from the time you got him? what has his diet been like? do you know how old he is?

SG_Eurystomus - is that a picture of your fish? he is gorgeous! if so, please tell me about his size/age/diet.

Silurus - 6" for the pictus, can you tell me any tale-tale signs to watch for when shopping for the pictus to assure it's the right species?

thanks for all the feedback - :D

Posted: 23 May 2003, 10:08
by Sid Guppy
Nope; I just googled up the pics. They turn up in the LFS now and then, over here though. And often they're 6"youngsters, but I've seen some fully growns as well; they're impressive fish!
One of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen was a 150G tank, fairly empty except for a huge Mopani trunk in the center. It had about 20 Ghostfishes and some Brochis and Pictus cats in it, that was about all.
Ghosts are usually quite nasty to each other, but in such a great number that aggression disappeared, obviously; because none were damaged or skinny. It was like looking at an underwater ballet; they were gliding and dancing through the water.....

Posted: 23 May 2003, 10:52
by Silurus
can you tell me any tale-tale signs to watch for when shopping for the pictus to assure it's the right species?
Just make sure you get the silver ones with distinct black spots (these are the real pictus). I have seen <i>P. blochii</i> (a larger species) being sold as pictus cats. These have a series of lines on the side of the body, although younger fish may be spotted (but the spots are much fainter).
Check the fish against the pics in the Cat-eLog just to be sure.