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What should I get?

Posted: 17 Jun 2003, 01:02

Posted: 17 Jun 2003, 03:37
by ClayT101
What part of Louisiana are you from?

Posted: 17 Jun 2003, 19:29

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 01:47
by Graeme
Can you tell us which other fish you keep? :D


Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 18:44

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 20:18
by ClayT101
Any really good LFS down there. I don't think any of the ones in New Orleans are all that great, especially for catfish (plecos in particular)

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 20:53

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 20:58
by IndefactorX
Would you settle for a spotted Rafael? not quite the same but still about the same size and look cool, i got a pictus and i haven't had any problems with it yet

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 21:46

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 22:33
by IndefactorX
40 gallon, 1 pictus and 4 rafaels

**i just looked at my tank again and compared them to the ones in the catelog, they're rafaels but they have the spotting style of a pictus, black on white instead of white on black*, have you ever heard of these before?? maybe they are not common raphael's

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 22:50

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 22:58
by IndefactorX
hehe, i c

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 23:09
by Silurus
they're rafaels but they have the spotting style of a pictus, black on white instead of white on black
This sounds interesting. Got any pics? Do you think you might have <i>Amblydoras</i> or <i>Acanthodoras</i> instead?

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 23:18
by IndefactorX
Yah! the marbled Raphael is what it looks like more than the Spotted, hmmm should tell petco they have em labeled wrong, **happened before, last time i thought i was buying zamora cats when infact they were Blue Channel cats, all because of cheap labeling systems and unexperienced staff members**

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 04:04
by ClayT101
I like to look at Jefferson Feed, but rarely buy from them. I have had mixed results with their fish, but they do get some plecos and are fairly priced. In fact, the other day, they had a spotted Royal in stock. If you ever get the chance to go to a really good LFS in another city, you will know what we are missing :(