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Corydoras Melini 2 month old and younger, with picture.

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 19:28
by awzen
After a while I finally got one of the eggs to be a fish! :lol:

This one has been i the "maintank" since the day it hatched about 2 months ago.

Lucky I also got about 25 fry in another tank. These are about 23 days.

Here is the one who is 2 month:



Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 21:17
by apistomaster
Hi awzen,
Congratulations on getting one this far. I've always really liked Corydoras melini but I don't think they are very easy to breed. I hope you have more success soon. I would be very proud if I could raise a school of my own.

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 21:39
by awzen
apistomaster wrote:Hi awzen,
Congratulations on getting one this far. I've always really liked Corydoras melini but I don't think they are very easy to breed. I hope you have more success soon. I would be very proud if I could raise a school of my own.
Well, that migth be, I don't know. All I know is that it's very rare that I see Melini in any kind of shop, or on a fishlist.. I acually find them to be easy.. Maybe I am lucky. I bougth this group on a auction in april, i think it was, the first nigth they had produceed a bunch of eggs. The fry did not live for longe tho..

This time, I feel that it's going well. The ones who are about 23 days now, are looking good, eating and growing.

I don't think that C.Melini is so hard to breed, I've done nothing special, other then feeding blodworms and a couple of tablets food, and waterchanges, to make them lay eggs. So from me, I think you shoud try them. They are really beautifull corys.. :wink:

This is a couple of the youngest ones:




Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 21:13
by apistomaster
Well, I think you have a "wet thumb" because they are not commonly bred. I haven't had any C. melini for many years. I was living in Seattle then and I found them one or two at a time over a year. They were mainly included as "by catch" or "contaminants" in shipments of similar Corys.

I can find C. melini easier now but I am still struggling with Corydoras duplicareous. Much like your experience, I get spawns but have a poor hatch rate and even worse larvae survival rates. Clearly, I haven't tuned in on exactly what the best conditions and care is required.

C. melini will be a future project for me but I am enjoying your success vicariously.