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24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 17:36
by Jools

The site has been growing steadily since it's inception. In the last six months we've moved to a slightly more powerful server and it's time to move again. However, this time it's not a change of provider, it's just we are at the stage now we really need our own server. Today we had some downtime because we were using nearly 40% of the shared CPU and causing other sites on the same server to suffer. Previously, over New Year, we also exceeded our bandwidth quota (80GB per month) and that to led to downtime. We are on track to exceed that quota again this month.

Over the next few days we will be moving to a virtual private server which is all our own. We'll have loads more bandwidth, oodles more disk space and will not be affected by other sites on the same server. Our costs will also more than double.

You guys won't notice any change (other than it should be faster and certainly no downtime) and this will also allow higher limits on the use of the new attachment feature in the forum. The migration will take about 3 days. During the part of the migration that involves the nameserver swap over, the forum will be closed for business to ensure no posts are lost or duplicated. This phase is estimated to last for a few hours, no more than 24.

Our new home gives us 350GB of bandwidth per month, 384MB of processor RAM and 20GB of disk space. Moving commences now.


Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 15:04
by Jools
We have now moved!


Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 16:23
by Dave Rinaldo
Jools wrote:All~

Over the next few days we will be moving to a virtual private server which is all our own. We'll have loads more bandwidth, oodles more disk space and will not be affected by other sites on the same server. Our costs will also more than double.


Don't forget to use the Donate button at the bottom of the page :wink:

Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 20:46
by Coryologist
Hi Dave. Already dun did dat. - Frank

Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 17:11
by Jools
Coryologist wrote:Hi Dave. Already dun did dat. - Frank
Many thanks to Frank for the new donation.

Just an update on progress, the site has been 100% up since the move and it is running very quickly indeed. Between donations and advertising revenue we are about breaking even (although the strong pound doesn't help).

Hopefully the last time we move for a while!


Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 17:12
by Jools
Dave Rinaldo wrote: Everyone,

Don't forget to use the Donate button at the bottom of the page :wink:
This is really for people who HAVEN'T donated before. There are some real stalwarts of the site who have donated and many do donate small or large amounts regularly. It all goes, 100% to the hosting costs of the site.

So, if you've not done so before, even a few dollars would be appreciated.


Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 20:14
by andywoolloo
I donated right now. :D Your site is incredible! Thank you so much for doing it.

And thanks for all the advice and info I've received so far. :thumbsup:

Re: 24th January 2008 - We're moving home again!

Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 10:08
by Jools
andywoolloo wrote:I donated right now. :D Your site is incredible! Thank you so much for doing it.
You're welcome, it's not much of a secret but I really enjoy running the site. Many thanks for the donation!
