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Butterfly pleco?

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 03:15
No picture as I didn't get one but they were in a tank at the LFS marked "Butterfly plecos".

They looked somewhere between a sole-stingray-pleco and were about 2-2.5".

I vaguely remember seeing something about them being from Asia and not south america and called "river loaches" or something like that.

Anyone have an idea?

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 06:34
by Silurus
Hillstream loaches of one of these genera: Pseudogastromyzon. Gastromyzon or Beaufortia (the ones more commonly encountered in the aquarium trade anyway). Pictures here.

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 13:35
Yep, that's the one - thanks Silurus.