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26th May 2010 - Server Migration Awareness

Posted: 26 May 2010, 13:22
by Jools

Over the next four days, the server that Planet is hosted on will be changing. We're moving to a shiny new 64-bit private server located near Huntingdon Beach, LA in what we can now go back to calling the good old US of A. It won't be a lot faster, it won't be cheaper, but it will use half the electricity of our old server and it will run a lot of new things as well as allow me access to the "guts of the guts" of our online home.

I'm not expecting anything to break - we've done this kind of move before and the site is designed not to be fussy about where it physically lives as long as that place is virtually However, this is ICT, expect the unexpected.

Will let you know a couple of days after the move - hopefully no one will have noticed.

Except Mats.

