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White Spots on Synodontis Eupterus

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 07:08
by CanadianGuy
Does anyone know what these spots are on my Synodontis Eupterus???....they are on both sides and a few on the face...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

James ... readid=349

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 08:26
by Silurus
The spots are just openings of the laterosensory canal system in your Synodontis. They are present in all fishes and you will notice that they are arranged very regularly, especially on the body (which makes it different from ich).
Nothing to worry about.

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 09:10
by CanadianGuy

Did you look at the second pic?'s the one closest to the bottom of the page....NOT the first pic, that's a healthy cat...

Just want to make sure....I've seen those spots on other fish but never like the ones in my pic....


Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 09:26
by Silurus
Hmm, yes. It looks like you syno has some kind of (probably bacterial) infection. I would quarantine it immediately and treat it with an antibacterial medication.
The position of the spots seem to indicate that the laterosensory canal system is affected.

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 09:35
by CanadianGuy
Thanks, Silurus

any ideas on what to treat with??

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 09:41
by Silurus
Actually, after looking at your fish more carefully, it looks like it's suffering from some kind of lateral line erosion, which is unusual, since this is a disease not usually reported in catfishes.
Unfortunately, it's a chronic condition which may not be treatable. This will provide more info and may help.

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 14:04
by Dinyar
I haven't seen your photo, as I'm reluctant to sign up with yet one more site just for the sake of viewing a phish photo.

However, we have had a large S. eupterus for many years that began to show large white blotches up to 5 mm wide along its lateral line. The initial cause of this lateral line disease was a pH crash brought about by experimenting with DIY CO2. After some years in appropriate water conditions, the appearance of the lateral line returned t normal. However, now even a brief excursion into low pH (below about 6.2) leads to a mild relapse.

I don't know if your Syno's lateral line syndrome has the same causes as mine, but it's possible. If so, good husbandry is the Rx.


Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 05:13
by CanadianGuy
Thanks, Dinyar

I checked the PH and it is down to 6...I don't know why it dropped so PH hasn't gone below 7.6 on any of my other tanks...including one that I dose with CO2 occasionally!...

So the problem must be the there any danger to my other fish?...I'll try to get the PH back up and hopefully that will fix the problem!

Thanks again


Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 05:58
by Dinyar
It will fix the problem, but in a couple of years, assuming stable pH > 6.2-6.4.


Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 20:48
Raise the Ph slowly. To quickly and you will kill the fish.