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silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 07:06
by Redtail83
Hi, will barbels on silurus glanis grow back if it's been damaged half way?


Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 11:31
by Viktor Jarikov
Welcome to the Planet!

Most usually catfish's barbels grow back fine. Them and the fins and skin are often damaged in the wild too and grow back/together/heal just fine when the fish is healthy and not stressed, its immune system is strong, and the water quality is good.

If a barbel breaks off close to the base or the wound gets inflamed, as would be indicated by redness and swelling, that may or may not result in some kind of permanent damage.

It'd be nice to learn about your fish-keeping and see pics!

Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 15:13
by Redtailrob
Welcome to the Forum redtail83.

As per Viktors info.
these should grow back fine, although occasionally they may grow make at slighty different angles to previoulsy or you may even get a "split whisker" where the damaged whisker regenerates as a forked pair. You see that quite often in S. Glanis b-)
If however the whisker is damaged at the base it may be lost permanately

Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 13:51
by Redtail83
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the info. Looks like you need a license in the UK for one of these beasts.

Why I was asking, is because I caught one fishing last year and it had half a barb.

I'm going to start a thread again to see what cats you can get for UK ponds.


Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 21:38
by Viktor Jarikov
Yeah, you need a license. There are at least half a dozen of members here and on MFK from GB who keep a wels (that I came across, so there must be more). So it is doable. You need a license to have a TV, right? So, you guys are probably more used to it than many others...

Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 23:28
by racoll
Might be best to move this part of the discussion to the other thread?
Viktor Jarikov wrote:There are at least half a dozen of members here and on MFK from GB who keep a wels (that I came across, so there must be more). So it is doable.
I wonder how many of these people actually have a licence, and how easy the licence is to get? Seeing as most commercial fisheries now seem to stock wels, the licences can't be too hard to get for a hobbyist, especially if the pond is not at risk of flooding. Here is the info:
Viktor Jarikov wrote:You need a license to have a TV, right?
Correct. It is assumed that if you have a TV, you watch the BBC, which in 99.99999% of cases is probably true. Therefore to support advertising-free broadcasting on the BBC, the money is charged via a compulsory licence (unless you claim not to have a TV, or that the TV you have isn't used for watching live broadcasts). Although people moan when the price goes up, they tolerate this situation because they get access to high quality, advertisement-free news and entertainment. If people generally didn't support it, the system would have gone a long time ago, I think.

Re: silurus glanis barbels grow back?

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 08:17
by Jools
Note that the licence only applies to England and Wales, Scotland has a different licence and IIRC different species lists although the wels is treated the same. No idea about NI.
