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feeding advice - red lizard whiptail

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 11:27
by suemack
hi - could do with some advice please

I have a red lizard whiptail catfish (hemiloricaria sp) in a 29 gall tank - not a lot of algae in tank at present as it is recently set up. pH 6.7 nil ammonia/nitrites nitrates 10. I upgraded to the 29 gall from a 10 gall and moved all the gravel, rocks, plants, filter etc - set up for a month now.

The catfish (he's so cool :) ) seems to be grazing on the plants, is not interested in fresh veges (not that I've seen) - have been putting in a hikurai algae wafer or a pleco chip when I turn the tank light out - also feed frozen bloodworms and daphnia to the other fish in the tank. He doesn't look thin and is out around the tank in the evening on rocks and plants. Is there anything else I should be feeding him, how much and how often should I feed?

Other fish in the tank - 2 small keyholes, 3 young albino cories, dwarf harahara, 4 kuhlis, 1 apistogramma borellii, 6 neons and a couple of juvenile guppies. Filtration is UGF and Aquaclear mini which I will upgrade in another month or so - just giving the tank time to settle in - and a long airstone. Loads of water movt throughout the tank.

any advice would be appreciated - have otos in other tanks but haven't had anything like this cool dude before - thanks - sue :D

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 12:24
by Silurus
I wouldn't worry anbout the red lizard cat not eating. sounds like it's doing it after the lights are off (at least the tankmates aren't the type to strongly compete for food with it).

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 18:12
by suemack
:D thank you - sue

Posted: 21 Nov 2003, 01:33
by SanDiegoFishes
Hi :)
I have a breeding colony of red lizard whiptails, and they love frozen Hikari bloodworms, frozen daphnia and Wardleys or Hikari Algae wafers the best. Probably in that order too. They are quite shy, and rarely like to eat when the lights are on.
Just found some eggs today too, hope they hatch, LOL!
Best, Barb