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Plecostomus Help

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 00:12
by kamikazimcstz
About 6 years ago I started my own 30 gallon tank, which was quickly upgraded to a 40 gallon. About that time I bought a common Plecostomus as well as a few other fish and recently decided to give up everything except my Plecostomus. When I got my Plecostomus it was tiny, now its a fat 18". The problem is that I have no idea what to do with it. I live in Chicago, so none of the waters around here are ok for this guy.

Can someone tell me what I can do with a 18" Plecostomus?

Thank you so much.


Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 00:15
by plesner
Even if the temperatures were ok around Chicago, it would be a very bad idea to release it into the wild.

You could try asking at your LFS. They might accept it.