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Scleromystax Barbatus spawn.

Posted: 01 May 2014, 02:02
by Atmichaels
After several unsuccessful spawnings due to renegade snails the female decided that the flow diffuser of the powerhead was a better place to affix her eggs ( prior three spawns were on the glass). She did this one time before and I removed the diffuser to a fry tank to hatch but the hatch rate was very low. I'm tempted to leave them as they are and see what happens. Anyone with similar experience?


Re: Scleromystax Barbatus spawn.

Posted: 02 May 2014, 03:10
by rmc
Congrats on your S. barbatus spawn! I just experienced the same thing for the first time.

Re: Scleromystax Barbatus spawn.

Posted: 11 Apr 2015, 19:14
by Atmichaels
So today she's really mixing it up. She's setting the eggs on the substrate, picking them up in her mouth, and placing them in the floating plants. This is the first time I've seen this behavior. They spawn weekly and she either places the eggs on the glass or on the flow diffuser of the powerhead.
