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Porthle cat

Posted: 21 Nov 2003, 16:15
by Bigdan
Does anyone out there have the Dianema Urastratius? How are they to keep? Any input would be appreciated. I'm thinking about getting one. :roll:

Posted: 21 Nov 2003, 19:23
by magnum4
Do you mean Dianema urostriatum, Flagtail catfish? this is one of the most active catfish i have, and as long as you have a well matured/maintained set up with south american water parameters I would recommend a couple or group.

Posted: 22 Nov 2003, 01:00
by Bigdan
I have the setup. Are you saying these cats aren't happy by themselves? Will one be alright by itself? I am heading into being overcrowded now.

Posted: 22 Nov 2003, 18:53
by magnum4
They feel more secure in a group, rather than on their own.

Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 13:43
by Bigdan
I purchased another flagtail cat so the first guy I got would have a buddy. The thing is, they don't even hang out together. One is swimming around and the other is staying in the pvc pipe all the time. I don't think he's sick, because he'll come out the pipe to taste a pellet at feeding time. When I got the first cat. he swam around the tank all day. Now he just stays in the pipe. Is there something wrong, or is this characteristic of this specie?

Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 17:58
by magnum4
One is swimming around and the other is staying in the pvc pipe all the time. I don't think he's sick, because he'll come out the pipe to taste a pellet at feeding time. When I got the first cat. he swam around the tank all day. Now he just stays in the pipe. Is there something wrong, or is this characteristic of this specie?
I would say give it time to settle down, there is nothing to boisterous in the tank is there?

Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 22:30
by Bigdan
There's just clown loaches and barbs(rosey & tiger) in there. Do you think he's sick?

Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 23:03
by magnum4
keep a close eye. But no i don't think he's sick from what you've told me.

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 15:17
by Bigdan
-Just want to let you know that I have one flagtail that swims around all the time and one that stays in a cave most the time. I have seen him come out and grab some flake food. He looks very healthy and moves quickly, so I don't think he's sick. What do the cat experts think? Any comments welcome.

I think he's had enough time to settle in. Just a question. How closely related to the cory specie are these cats? I noticed they scoot to the top and swim back down like cories. :roll:

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 02:49
by Beersnob
Bigdan wrote:-
I think he's had enough time to settle in. Just a question. How closely related to the cory specie are these cats? I noticed they scoot to the top and swim back down like cories. :roll:
I have a porthole catfish (not a flag-tail porthole) and have noticed that he likes to "hang out" with the Corys. Sometimes, he even thinks he's a clown loach :lol:

I would say there are similar tendencies and not necessarily fierce competition for food. Please note I am not a Biologist, who would be able to give you the best answer.

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 03:17
by Bigdan
Well Beersnob, I have to tell you that I appreciate your response. I don't have any cories with these guys. They're in one of my other tanks (9 total). The flagtails are in a 55 with 5 clown loaches and the barbs. I still have a shy flagtail-he seems to come out at feeding times only. The other one is swimming around and totally with a different personality. Now I have to say that these cats are new to me. I never heard of them before. When I first saw them, they were at a LFS in a tank labeled AGGRESSIVE. I wanted to buy them right away. I didn't know how big they got or anything about them. I went on the internet and found that they weren't aggressive at all and only grow 4-5 ". I bought 1 at first. A few days later I got the other one. Just to let you know, the bigger of the two is the shy one. He was the first one I got. Just a footnote-When I put the second one in the tank, all of my tiger barbs got what I think was ich. I lost 3 of 6. I also lost my beautiful Red Tail Shark, he went first-in less than 12 hours. None of the other inhabitants got it at all. It was a hard loss to have them die. These cats are beautiful and I hope they will live a long time.