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Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 07:46
by TheNewGuy
I have a 1.25" diameter PVC pipe that runs through my tank and has 3 entrances. I'd like to know how wide peppered corys get to make sure they wouldn't get stuck in the pipe. Also, do you guys know how well they cab swim backwards if at all? Just in case 2 decided to go in from opposite directions. Thank you all, this if my first post so let me know if I did anything wrong.

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 09:59
by CoryfanAad
Females can be pretty big !!! Never seen mine swimming backwards and they'll get stuck with spined fins and gills probably.
Otherwise than loaches most corys don't like to hide in pipes to my believe.
My Peppered only hide under plants aso and even never use caves or so. But maybe other members do have other ideas!!!

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 10:00
by CoryfanAad
pic of "Big Mum". They even can get bigger btw !!

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 18:33
by TheNewGuy
Oh wow that's a big girl! So should I make the entrances smaller so they don't get used to swimming in there when they're babies?

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 17:02
by CoryfanAad
I'd ask myself if i'd add such a pipe with Corys.

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 04:04
by CorydoraCat
Wish my corys got that big!
Mine tend to stay a little on the smaller side.My pepper is about 2 inches long, but he still doesn't seem all that big to me.

I don't know if I'd personally use pipes for my corys. They have places they can hide, but never really use them. They chill under their pagoda once in a while, but they're usually laying in a group on their flat stone, or laying on top of things. I don't think they'd use it. But that's my opinion based on my own corys' activities.

Re: Peppered Cory Width?

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 21:38
by JG
Was the PVC originally for another fish species or did you add it specifically for the Pepper Corys? I tend to agree with the other posters in that Cory's are shoaling fishes and appreciate wood pieces, plants, rocks, etc to relax and move amongst. I've never see any of my Corydoras hiding in a cichlid stone or Pleco cave, etc.

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