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How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 23:23
by Mol_PMB
My female Farlowella acus is looking rather tubby at the moment, as shown in the attached two pics. Is she likely to be full of eggs? There are a couple of males in the tank as well (one pic attached as a comparison).

Are they likely to breed and is there anything I can do to help them?

Their only tank-mates are a group of Dicrossus filamentosus, which are also getting frisky at the moment. The water parameters are very soft and moderately acidic, I think about pH5.5, TDS 50.

Many thanks,

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 01:42
by Juiceyfish
Well I'm not 100 percent but I'm pretty sure the third pic is a male .... Females have a smooth snout males have the ontdotes on the sides of the snout .... But I could be wrong ribs is just based on reaearch I found when I was sexing mime

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 01:44
by Juiceyfish
Ps great aqua scape!! I love it

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 04:49
by jp11biod
It looks like she is gravid so the mood has been set, me thinks. Mine spawned in a corner of a community tank directly in the flow of the canister filter.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 07:50
by Mol_PMB
Many thanks :)

Yes, I posted 2 pics of the female and one of the male with his short wide snout and odontes.

The aquascape is very simple - a load of oak branches and dead leaves, a few rounded rocks and bits of bogwood, floating Amazon Frogbit and Hydrocotyle leucocephela weighted down. The fish love it and it looks very natural to me.

I'll keep an eye out for eggs on the glass. There are a load of snails in this tank (Ramshorn and bladder) which also lay eggs on the glass so hopefully I can tell the difference!

P.S. Apologies for my typo - they are of course Farlowella vittata not F.acus.

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 09:35
by Barbie
A water change with cool RO water should be all that is required for "mood" inspiration, I would think! Good luck!


Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 11:58
by Mol_PMB
Barbie wrote:A water change with cool RO water should be all that is required for "mood" inspiration, I would think! Good luck!

Many thanks - I'll try that at the weekend :)

I'm going to remove some of my Dicrossus as well, leaving just a M/F pair, and we'll see whether I get catfish or cichlid eggs first...

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 17:54
by Barbie
Add in a big feeding of something meatie and wiggling for food and it will help the chances even more!


Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 18:38
by Shane
Your fish above are actually Farlowella vittata. Your water conditions are more than adequate for spawning. Mine spawn like clockwork in much harder water with a higher pH.

This species prefers to spawn on the aquarium glass at a place where there is a constant current hitting the glass. If your filter return does not provide such a location consider adding a small powerhead in a back corner pointed at the front pane of the tank. The male will then spawn where the current hits the front of the tank. I keep mine spawning on the front tank pane as it is easier to monitor the eggs.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 18:47
by Mol_PMB
Thanks very much for the suggestions :)
I've added a little wavemaker to increase the flow onto the front glass, and will get some live bloodworms to tempt them tomorrow.
The Dicrossus always love them too...

I realised my mistake with the species after my first post - sorry, brain failure. Yes, these are definitely F.vittata.

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 19:21
by verbal
Shane wrote:Paul,
Your fish above are actually Farlowella vittata. Your water conditions are more than adequate for spawning. Mine spawn like clockwork in much harder water with a higher pH.

Are you spawning them in tap water or do you use a mix of tap/RO water?

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 19:54
by Mol_PMB
I'm not sure if that was directed at me or Shane, but here's my answer :)

I don't have RO, though I could buy some from the LFS if needed.

My tap water has KH 0.6, GH 1, TDS 40 and pH 6.8.
For this tank I filter new water through moss peat, first a kettle-full of boiling water through fresh peat then the rest run through cold. That gives me water with TDS 30 and pH just under 5.

The tank tends to run a little higher than this, I tested it yesterday with pH 5.5, TDS 50 and KH near-zero.

Both the Dicrossus and the Farlowella seem to enjoy these conditions.

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 23:34
by apistomaster
I really like your setup.
The combination of Dicrossus filamentosus and Farlowella is a good one.
Both are old favorites of mine.
Perhaps not for actually breeding either but a nice display for both.
I also concur with others about enriching the Farlowellas' diet being enriched with some live or frozen fresh animal protein.
I suspect that both species could be successfully bred together but the Farlowella fry may have a higher chance of surviving if they are started out in shallow water. Six inches to no more than eight if it were me. I found that using shallow water greatly increased the survival rates among my Sturisoma fry when I was raising them. I describe my approach in the article I wrote. ... cle_id=412

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 01:32
by Shane
Good old Fairfax county (Potomac River) tap. Hardness around 110 dgh and pH 7.8 depending on how much rainfall we have had.
Water that does this if alllowed to dry...

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 03:06
by TwoTankAmin
I never did anything to get mine to spawn besides be patient. I got them because they looked neat. Turned out to be 2 males and fm. Got a few spawns from the alpha male and the fm and then he died. The 2nd males stepped in. I will say these are the hardest fish I have every tried to raise from scratch and never got any to adult size.

The night before:

The morning after:

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 08:20
by Mol_PMB
Many thanks all, for the kind and helpful comments and inspiring photos!
The article about raising fry is brilliant too :) and I'm learning all the time.

No eggs to be seen yet; I'll be patient...


Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 22:19
by Mol_PMB
Update: the male and female are on the glass together right now and have laid about 20 eggs so far :)
I've been away from home for the last 5 days so maybe they just needed some peace and quiet to get them in the mood?

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 23:02
by Shane
Great news.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 05:43
by apistomaster

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 07:41
by Mol_PMB
Thank you :)

Here they are, caught in the act last night.
They went on to lay some more eggs and the male is guarding them this morning.
Now for the hard part - raising them into twiglets!

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 10:45
by dw1305
Hi all,
This is a great thread, best of luck with the fry.

cheers Darrel

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 21:27
by Mol_PMB
Thanks Darrel :)

Dad is still guarding the eggs constantly. He did leave them unattended for a couple of minutes to grab a bite to eat when I fed the tank, but was soon back at his post. I think there are 36 eggs and so far they all look the same.
In 3 weeks time I go away for 10 days, which I expect would be a critical time for the fry. So I think I'm going to take my chances and leave this lot in the tank rather than try to rear them separately. Hopefully the parents will try again when it's a better time for me to raise the babies.

Even so, I'm agonising over when to do a water-change...

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 20:14
by Mol_PMB
I was just going to do a small water-change in this tank (planning small ones every couple of days with the Farlowella eggs in there) but as I approached the tank I saw a male and female Dicrossus together in the coconut cave, and the little female head-butting the side of a second male that was trying to get in on the act.

I think I'll leave that water-change a while - whatever's in there at the moment seems to make them all want to breed :)

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 17 Oct 2014, 09:49
by Mol_PMB
So, Mr Farlowella is still carefully guarding his eggs, though he left them while I did a small water-change. But I noticed yesterday evening that one of them had gone white. I decided to remove it, and it was much more difficult than I expected. As well as being stuck to the glass, the eggs are stuck to each other with a thick rubbery stuff. I eventually pulled this one off but I hope I haven't damaged the adjacent eggs. Dad went back to guarding them again soon afterwards.

This morning, I went to have another look, and I could see movement in the eggs! This is exciting. They were laid on Monday evening and it's now Friday morning. I've attached another pic showing Dad twig guarding his eggs - you can just make out the baby twigs inside the eggs, and in real life I can see them wriggling. *grin*

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 20:17
by bekateen
Get ready to break out the cigars, you're about to be a father! :-)

(The cigar thing used to be a clichéd tradition in USA for dad to perform when a child is born, although not done so much anymore with changing opinions about smoking. If not also in the UK, then this comment probably didn't make sense.)

... Weird, I typed "s m o k i n g" and I unintentionally got the emoticon for "s m o k i n" with the g printed afterward.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 20:35
by Mol_PMB
bekateen wrote:Get ready to break out the cigars, you're about to be a father! :-)
Thanks :)

Dad's still guarding them, the babies are still growing inside the eggs, and no more have turned white.

I've been keeping tropical fish about a year, but it's taken off in a big way and I have several tanks now. Apart from the twigs, I've had eggs laid by Petitella georgiae (all got eaten immediately), Dicrossus filamentosus (3 times so far, but all eaten within 36 hours), and Corydoras melini (I got 5 to the stage of tiny fry in a separate tank, but they died). I've also got a pair of Trichogaster chuna that keep trying to breed. But no real success so far, so I'm very excited about my future twiglets!

Having said that, I've read how hard they are to raise. I've been getting loads of things in stock to try and give them the best chance.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 20:46
by Mol_PMB
I'd just written that post, and went to check the eggs. One of them is empty! (see pic) Does that mean it's hatched already? They were only laid on Monday.

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Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 20:59
by Mol_PMB

Most of the eggs haven't hatched yet, but one clearly has and here is the baby twiglet!
It's 10mm long and apart from the odd wiggle of its tail I haven't seen it move yet.

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 21:32
by aquariumhobbyist
Mol_PMB wrote:TWIGLET! :)

Most of the eggs haven't hatched yet, but one clearly has and here is the baby twiglet!
It's 10mm long and apart from the odd wiggle of its tail I haven't seen it move yet.
so... it's a (1) cm long? :d

Re: How to get Farlowellas in the mood ;)

Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 21:40
by Mol_PMB
aquariumhobbyist wrote: so... it's a (1) cm long? :d
Yes :) maybe just under - seen here with a ruler!

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