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REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 11:48
by jamesleagas
i keep hearing about rephasy, can someone explain about it and is it any good? is it very polluting and how is it nutritionally for growing fish on and conditioning?

thanks, jimbo

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 12:42
by Richard B

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 14:15
by Narwhal72
I feed Repashy Spawn N Gro and Morning Wood to many of my fish.

The food does not pollute as the gel former keeps it tight together. The fish have time to graze on it until it is completely consumed.

There are many different formulas suitable for different purposes. I find that it is great for catfish and many types of cichlids.

I would not recommend it for tetras or livebearers as (at least for me) they did not seem to adapt to the sinking food or a stationary block of food. Same happened with some types of cichlids. The feeding response was stronger for floating flakes or pellets.


Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 02:48
by syno321
I've been feeding the Community, Meat Pie, Soylent Green, and the Spawn'n'Gro in rotation to all of my 40 tanks for over 18 months now and am quite happy with results, especially for bottom feeders. I've recently added the CatCon formula from Barbie to the rotation and am finding that the fish accept it as well as the ones that they're used to, which is to say quite well accepted.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 10:38
by jamesleagas
Ok great l, thank you. I'll look into this for my groups of lemons and super Reds

Perhaps my chameleon whips will take to it also

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 14:37
by Narwhal72
My Planiloricaria cryptodon love the Spawn N Gro so I would think Chameleon whips would like it to.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 16:26
by Linus_Cello
A big advantage of Repashy is you can add other stuff in to it (freeze dried bloodworms, etc), namely medicine. Some meds are more effective if consumed (assuming fish are trained to eat Repashy).

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 16:53
by Nabobmob1
I use Repashy in my rotation and think it is an excellent product. For medicating and acclimating new arrivals to prepared foods IMO it can't be beat. Soilent Green with garlic extract added has been a savior for many finicky wild caught suckermouths in my fish room.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 17:22
by syno321
[quote="Linus_Cello"]A big advantage of Repashy is you can add other stuff in to it (freeze dried bloodworms, etc)

Interesting idea re: freeze-dried bloodworms. Do you chop the freeze-dried bloodworms up before adding it to your batch of Repashy?

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 20:27
by Linus_Cello
syno321 wrote:
Linus_Cello wrote:A big advantage of Repashy is you can add other stuff in to it (freeze dried bloodworms, etc)

Interesting idea re: freeze-dried bloodworms. Do you chop the freeze-dried bloodworms up before adding it to your batch of Repashy?
You can if you want; definitely if you're trying to feed smaller fish. Add ground up dried krill, etc.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 23:20
by Shane
Mix it up and dry it out instead of freezing it. Then just break off dried chunks and feed. Sinks, has a consistency like soft wood, and can sit in a tank for days.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 23:42
by Allen Repashy
Best food I ever used! ;)

Seriously though...... As Shane pointed out, you can use a dehydrator to make it into nice dry "Jerky" bits that will last a uber long time in the aquarium which is great for plecos. You can also mix various formulas together and make your own blend. The Morning Wood formula has 4x the gelling ingredients of the other formulas so it makes a great base for blending in your own ingredients to still get a very firm gel.


Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 15:38
by AndersB
Now you are here, Allen.. I am using the "Soilent green" for my L134 fry, and they just love it. I am looking for a mix for my L46s - which one of your blends would you recommend?

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 05:19
by Lars Jamne
The combo of "Spawn & grow" with 25% "Soilent Green" was extremly popular by my Zebras and all other hypans before I had my own carnivore and omnivore formulas made which I now use.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 14:05
by AndersB
Thank you for replying, Lars. Which one of the "Aquafarmen special" would you feed to L46 then?

I tried the "Meat pie" for my L46, but they dont seem to like it.
My pseudacantichus leopardus "L600" love it though.

Would you use the Aquafarmen omnivore mix to L134 and L128, or go for more green-ish food?

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 01:56
by Lars Jamne
The carnivore formula is 100% zebra approved in my tanks, both fry and old ones eats this. They also eat the omnivore formula (same as carnivore but with extra green ingredients), but if they get one of each everyone goes for the carnivore.

L128 and L134 can easily have both, but with the omnivore you don't hve to think about giving them anything else that will give them the needed green.

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 19:52
by AndersB
Great, thanks for answering, Lars! :)

Re: REPASHY, i keep seeing this pop up

Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 05:04
by lilu
I feed Soilent green, 50/50 mix of morning wood and super green - very popular with everyone. There were two new flavours available at Catcon: Power-up and Fruutluups, the power-up is a zebra and leporacanthicus favourite while fruutluups is popular with everyone.