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Corydoras aeneus lifespan?

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 17:40
by Corycory
What is the lifespan of corydoras aeneus?
Different websites are giving different information. One says 5 years, up to 8 years in ideal conditions, the other 10-15 and another 20-25 years.
Planetcatfish doesn't say anything at all.

Re: Corydoras aeneus lifespan?

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 18:29
by Karsten S.

5 years is certainly nonsense.
Corys can become really old but to me it doesn't make much sense to indicate how old exactly.
My oldest cory is a C. metae of more than 8 years (8 years ago it was already fully grown) and I don't see any signs of high age.
There are examples of cory reaching more than 40! years but this might be different from species to species and these are certainly extreme cases.


Re: Corydoras aeneus lifespan?

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 20:52
by Corycory
Thanks Karsten.

Anyone with long term aeneus experience? I would just like to know as I have quite a few of them and it got me thinking planning for the future. There isn't much info you can come across googling this topic.

Re: Corydoras aeneus lifespan?

Posted: 27 Apr 2015, 12:24
by Coryman
I knew of one specimen of C. aeneus, a female that was 42 when it died. I also had a breeding group of C. sterbai that were more than 20 years old when I retired them of to a display tank in the shop where I used to work, that was 2 years ago and they are still there doing just fine.

Re: Corydoras aeneus lifespan?

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 09:52
by Corycory
Great info! Thanks. I am stuck for life then with 40-50 corys :) I am not complaining. I love my corys.