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C. Aeneus Problem

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 22:33
by bbetta
Hello everyone!
Today I purchased 4 Corydoras Aeneus to add them to the 20G tank (click on my profile), along with the 2 albinos. I'm planning on increasing their number to 8-9 total. From the first moment that they arrived home, one of them seemed to be in a worst condition than the others. After I acclimated them and added them to the tank, the same Cory couldn't swim straight but was going in circles. After a couple of hrs this continued, but all the other cories look fine. I just fed them and his is struggling to eat, being unable to swim well. I've added Api Stress Coat to the tank, so their stress will be reduced and they'll stay in a good shape. Is there anything else I could do to save him? Is it possible he'll just get better, or is he sentenced to death? :/

1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range. 26.5°C - 79.7 F
b) pH. 6.8~
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, levels. 0-0-10/15
f) Water change frequency Once a week 35% (90% RO-10% tap)

2. Tank set up
a) Size. 20g
b) Substrate. 1-2 mm dennerle Quartz black
c) Filtration. 1 external 2 small internal
d) Furnishings. Many plants, red moorwood (check my profile)
e) Other tank mates. 13 Neon Tetras - 5 more Aeneus
f) How long has it been set-up? 5 years

3. Symptoms / Problem description

The new Cory can't swim straight, he leans on the on side and swims in circles. He did eat though.

4. Action taken

Added Api Stress Coat in the acclimation bucket when I encountered the issue and a full dose in the tank.

Greetings from Greece,

Re: C. Aeneus Problem

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 06:58
by bekateen
Have you tried the Forum Search tool? If you search for the word "spinning" or "circles" with the word "cory" in this this forum, here are the results you obtain: ... d%5B0%5D=6
and ... d%5B0%5D=6

Good luck, Eric

Re: C. Aeneus Problem

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 21:30
by apistomaster
"Stress Coat" does nothing to diminish stress in fish. It is distress we do not want and it doesn't work on that either.
I recommend SeaChem's Prime as a de-chlorination product.
It sounds like you bought an already dying Corydoras.

Re: C. Aeneus Problem

Posted: 25 Apr 2015, 15:14
by bbetta
Thanks for your replies.
I've started a medicine for bacterial infections (Sera Bactopur) and the sick fish is doing slightly better, but I still believe I'm going to lose it.
This batch of fish ( the 4 bronze) must have been of low quality. They all seem weak and starved, so I'm doing my best to revive them with high quality food.

I also hava another question. An LFS in my area offers a Cory called ''Blue Cory'' and looks exactly like the one in the photo below. Is it an Aeneus form or another species? The output of the typical bronze cory and this so called ''Blue Cory'' would be considered a hybrid?