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Coolwater algae eaters?

Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 09:51
by nikirushka
I'm on the lookout for algae eaters that are happy around the 20-22C temp range, as I don't heat my tanks most of the year (I do in winter to keep them stable but that's it). Wood and rocks, play sand substrate, no live plants. The tank is 30g so nothing bigger than around 6" TL (although I may add another to my 100g (same decor) so something larger would be ok, although I already have a p. pardalis in there), and no bristlenoses please!

Other than that anything goes, so any suggestions? Thanks :)

Re: Coolwater algae eaters?

Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 11:46
by Bas Pels
The common Ancistrus (A cf cirrhosus) would be happy at that temperature.

They originate from Paraguay, and are most often kept too warm.

Re: Coolwater algae eaters?

Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 17:26
by JamesFish
How about some of the more decorative snails? I realise you were expecting a catfish suggestion but wouldn't rule them out if you want a clean up crew.

Re: Coolwater algae eaters?

Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 17:42
by racoll