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Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 14:40
by Narwhal72
Just an informal survey to answer some curiosity I have.

How many pleco caves do you own?

Are they store bought, or homemade?

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 14:41
by Narwhal72
I will start.

30 caves
Store bought terra cotta.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 15:03
by catfishchaos
I got my cave from I have 4 'euro' caves and 2 Pleco hotels (each has 4 caves).

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 15:06
by Andrew
I have about 20 terra cotta caves, mostly from South Central Cichlids.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 15:12
by ClearSky57
I have caves purchased from most convention type vendors, a local guy made some for me and I probably have an additional 2 dozen home made slate caves.
I also purchased about 50' of various diameter bamboo, that I will be cutting up various lengths to give my fish options.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 17:48
by Mol_PMB
Roughly 20, a mix of:
- commercial ceramic
- home-made wooden (oak branches drilled out)
- home-made and commercial slate structures

All in various shapes and sizes, and mostly not acting as an effective aphrodisiac :/

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 17:53
by NCE12940
17 terra cotta & 2 slate from various vendors; 1 homemade rock cave & 1 driftwood & rock.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 18:31
by bekateen
About 20 - 25 bamboo caves and about 10 - 15 bamboo pipes (open at both ends), all cut into 5 - 7 inch long segments from three 8-foot-long bamboo poles (either 1" or 1.5" outer diameter); also, 8 plastic caves (1" or 1.5" diameter PVC or ABS plastic, capped at one end), and...

...wait for it...

...soon three clay caves, home-made! Woo-hoo! These are the "unsalted" caves reported in the thread, Home-made pleco spawning caves:
Cave 1 triangle.jpg
cave 2 pinched burrito.jpg
Oooohhhhh, yeah, that's right b-) - I just heard back from the artist who had agreed to fire these amateurish caves of mine, and he says they all fired well. I don't know what they look like now, and I still don't know if they'll be water-safe once submerged in the aquaria (i.e., will they disintegrate into mud?), but I am looking forward to picking them up as soon as possible. Unfortunately, with the Thanksgiving holiday upon us in the USA, I think I'll need to wait until next week to pick them up. (I am so excited... can you tell? :YMDAYDREAM: :d )

Cheers, Eric

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 18:35
by pleconut
7 ceramic D caves, 7 oak wood caves, and 2 larger ceramic pyramid caves ,1 was for for my 3 common bristlenose plecos who my new para pleco has now evicted i made him one of slate I'll take the whole pyramid set thank you para wont even let bns have the top floor we take time making and buying caves for our plecos and we think we've done a really good job, but its no thanks, i want this one and an eviction notice is served, what is it about plecos the other pyramid is with my L397s.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 18:57
by TwoTankAmin
With 10 tanks dedicated to plecos I estimate 100+ caves, certainly under 120. Almost all are terra cotta round, square or rectangular. I do have a few homemade slate caves.

I also have a couple of clay caves for large clown loaches, but I did not count those :p

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 25 Nov 2015, 21:34
by jp11biod
I would guess 60-70 of different sizes and manufacturers.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 26 Nov 2015, 00:22
by Marine590622
I have about 16 from
I have about 8 I carved out of stone.
I have 20 to thirty I made from green bamboo
plus assorted pieces I picked up at goodwill ect that function as caves.

Re: Informal survey

Posted: 26 Nov 2015, 00:39
by Marine590622
Oh and a few I made from crushed stone, and 2 part food safe epoxy