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What Cory is this ?????

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 05:14
by aquaboyaquatics

Does any one Know What type of cory this is? It Looks Like a couple of different ones except for the black dot behind the gill plate. Any Ideas Would be greatly appreciated. Here are some other photos,


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 06:15
by kwalker
i believe you may want to check cory panda in the cat-e-log.


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 06:49
by Caol_ila

Not close to panda imo. But more of an adolfoi or at least from that group of similar looking Corys.

definatly the adolfi group

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 07:38
by aquaboyaquatics
they were sold to me as adolfi but they are not. They dont look like any in that group that i can. The black dot is the catch.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 09:57
by Caol_ila

To be honest i overlooked that this case as i havent found any coresponding pics i would call them Corydoras cf. adolfoi but maybe wait for Ian and his opinion.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 10:57
by Jorge
IMO, Corydoras adolfoi.

Saludos :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 11:26
by Allan
That spot behind the gills is a pussle. It's not coagulated blood after rough handling/netting?

Adolfoi on first look, but then again not.

The full coloured dorsal finn reminds me of C. burgessi, but that still does not normally have a line all the way to the tail, allthough this is seen in some pictures.

Looking forward to hearing what this really is.

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 12:29
by Jools
Were did they come from? Wild caught or from a breeder?


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:13
by benny
Unlike the adolfoi, this cory has a almost black dosal fin, in addition to the reddish/pinkish patch behind the gills.

This wild caught species were also seen in the last few months in both North and South Asian markets. There are also real adolfoi mixed in the shipment. So they may be sympatric.



I thought it was more like a Corydoras sp. cf burgessi, but the shop I bought it from indicated that it was shipped in labeled as Corydoras sp. cf adolfoi. The discussion we had was that it was probably because black dosal patch (like those on the C burgessi) was not very consistent through out the specimens but the thin black line along the dosal ridge (like the adolfoi) was very prominent. Anyway, that's just speculation during our chit chat and nothing conclusive came out of it.

Let's see what Ian has to say about this fish.


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 14:58
by Coryman
I have also seen these fish in the UK recently and at first I thought they were hybrids, but was reliably informed that they were wild fish. I would tend to label them as C. cf adolfoi untill a little more is known about their location.


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 15:42
by aquaboyaquatics
Thanks for all the info. These guys came in as Adolfi, but only about 15 out of 100 were true adolfi. The rest are consistantly these C. cf. Adolfi. They are wild fish i got them directly from the airport. I will have to find out what area they came from. Are they rare enough that i should hang on to a few? Thanks again for all the responses. :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 18:00
by Coryman
I would certainly keep a potential breeding group and try and breed some. If you are successfull and can produce some froI would be most interested in the fry patterns at 7 days and 1 month, I have this data for both C. adolfoi and C. burgessi and would like to see if there are any differences in the fry patterns, it may or may not show them to be a new species.


Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 21:44
by Yann

Since these two species are coming from the same region , any chance for these fish to be simply a natural hybrid between C. adlofoi and C. burgessi... just my 2 cents..

Posted: 10 Dec 2003, 22:46
by Shane
Yann (and others),
Just a guess, but more likely than these fish being hybrids is that the exporters in Brazil are buying from multiple collecting stations along the upper Rio Negro and just consolidating all the fish that look to be the same species when they arrive in Manaus. Could be a regional variation of one of the upper Negro Corydoras since the "C. adolfoi group" pretty much all share the same pattern. It could also be a new sp. of this group.

Posted: 11 Dec 2003, 11:25
by Coryman
I have been giving this one some more thought and looking at the pictures a little more I think it is nearer to C. burgessi in pattern and body shape, therfore for now I would call it C. cf burgessi.


Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 16:23
by benny
Hi guys,

Here's a few more picture from from I Love Corydoras for comparison.







Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 18:53
by aquaboyaquatics
Hello, Thanks again for all the input. This forum is top notch! I have picked a group for myself but would like to offer them to other breeders. I have about 50 to 70 left. If you are a breeder and wish to try and work with this fish please contact me at . I dont want to sell these to someone who is not trying to breed them. :roll: