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Male or Female L333

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 10:45
by anq812
I'm far from an expert in L333, however I found one of my L333 colony dead. To me it looks like it is a female, but it looks too hairy down the body. Can anyone shed some light for me?

Re: Male or Female L333

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 11:50
by bekateen
Sorry for your loss. Cut open its belly and look for ovaries. That's what I'd do. I've described how to do a proper cut elsewhere in this forum: Re: Bristlenose plec with bloated stomach.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Male or Female L333

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 16:45
by CharlieM9
The pectoral appear rather thick and odontode laden. I would lean toward a male that passed because of some sort of internal infection/disease.

Re: Male or Female L333

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 17:12
by Jobro
Poor guy. Body is so bloated. Maybe even the hairy looking tail is a result of the extreme bloating. As Eric said, only an "Autopsy" could give you a definitex answer, but I'm not sure if I would risk poking that fish with anything sharp now...

Re: Male or Female L333

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 21:09
by anq812
Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately I don't have it any longer. I must admit, I was pretty shocked when I saw how bloated it was. I hadn't sen any signs of bloating previously. I even pulled all the others out to see if they had any signs of bloating.