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FS: 2-inch L177, L081, MAYBE L059

Posted: 02 Sep 2017, 14:06
by Ltygress
THESE ARE IMPORTS from Brazil. All four species.

I wanted some of each for myself, but knowing they would be imported, I didn't put much faith in all of them surviving. For that reason, I bought extras to account for losses.

Most of them survived. They have been with me since August 12th, and I'm pretty sure I'm done with the losses. Out of 40 (10 of each) I've only lost 5 total. The rest are starting to look fat, acting like normal plecos (establishing territories and chasing the others away), and I've even witnessed at least one of each species eating the flake and wafer foods I give them.

They are all only about 2 inches each. I got them small because younger ones are more resilient, but didn't realize that Brazil likes to starve all plecos for the same amount of time, regardless of size (so they arrived MUCH more emaciated than others I've had imported in the past). Anyway, their tummies are no longer sunken in - they're either flat or slightly rounded now. They were also treated for parasites and given antibiotics to clear any other possible issues with regaining their weight and strength.

The only one I'm not yet sure about selling is the L059. And it's not a matter of health. It's that I was stupid enough to put them in my highly-decorated 75G and can't even find them most days! So I can't get an accurate count of how many I even have, much less now many I might have available to sell! I just put clay caves in their tank yesterday, hoping to attract some of them into the caves so I can EASILY move them to another tank that gives me easier access (and a count).

They are $35 each.

Re: FS: 2-inch L264, L177, L081, MAYBE L059

Posted: 04 Sep 2017, 04:34
by Tony4143
Interested in the L264's. Pm me pictures and additional info please.