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Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 08 Dec 2018, 19:32
by TwoTankAmin
It has been a long time, but I just spotted basically free swimming zebra fry in a cave with dad. This is mostly my original group from 2006. I would say its 2/3 original and the rest a split between WC and TR replacements. I seem to recall the last time this group spawned was either Nov. or May 2187.

An interesting note- I am pretty sure the dad is the old #2 male I dubbed fatty. In his most prolific days he occupied one of two hand made, rectangular slate caves glued using silicone. Over time the silicone gives way and I have to re-glue them. His did this a couple of months ago and I was too busy to fix it, so I just put in a similar shaped clay cave. That is where he spawned, same street address but a new house (he first spawned in that spot in 2006).

I now have wigglers and/or new free swimmers up to about a month old in almost all my pleco tanks. The only one not in the game, yet, is the TR zebra group. :d :d :d


Re: Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 09 Dec 2018, 01:08
by Tony4143
Congrats Chris!!!

Re: Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 09 Dec 2018, 02:52
by bekateen
Woo-hoo! Congrats!

Cheers, Eric

Re: Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 09 Dec 2018, 10:11
by Fundulopanchax76
May 2187 year ? :-)

Re: Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 09 Dec 2018, 15:40
by TwoTankAmin
I was so excited I could not even type 2017 right :-p

I did spot two of the recent 173 spawn as free swimming fry in the WC tank last evening. They came out looking for the BBS I had put in.

Re: Christmas Just Came Early

Posted: 10 Dec 2018, 06:29
by Fundulopanchax76
So this group didnt breed for12 years ?