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Oscars and what fish to keep with them

Posted: 06 Feb 2003, 04:14
by Zack
Would two oscars do alright in a 55 gallon tank with
3 pictus
1 striped raphael
1 chocolate raphael
1 geophagus
1 butterfly fish??
The only thing im worried about is the butterfly fish, what do you gusy think?? I could always put him in another tank if i had to. Would one oscar and say maybe a red devil do better than two oscars??? Any other suggestions you gusy have would be great to, thanks

Re: Oscars and what fish to keep with them

Posted: 06 Feb 2003, 11:38
by coelacanth
Zack wrote:Would two oscars do alright in a 55 gallon tank with
3 pictus
1 striped raphael
1 chocolate raphael
1 geophagus
1 butterfly fish??
The only thing im worried about is the butterfly fish, what do you guys think?? I could always put him in another tank if i had to. Would one oscar and say maybe a red devil do better than two oscars??? Any other suggestions you gusy have would be great to, thanks
I'm afraid I have a few concerns with your proposed set-up.
You are right, the Butterfly Fish is only really suitable for a dedicated aquarium, and would possibly be stressed by the other fish, never mind the Oscars. Pantodon would make a superb display in a Paludarium, with small Mochokids and other peaceful African fish, but they do not do well in most community aquaria, and I fear there may be an unacceptable death rate amongst importations of this fish.
The Geophagus, whichever species, is not really suitable as a tankmate for Oscars. Geophagus, Satanopera and the other Eartheaters are better off as a group in a good sized aquarium (they are quite a social group of fish). They also require in general excellent water quality, and are not boisterous feeders, and so may be outcompeted (Oscar feeding habits tend not to be conducive to good water quality!).
A 55 gallon is only really big enough for just a pair of Oscars, and maybe one or two Catfish, but if something goes wrong with between the two Cichlids there is not enough room for one to escape from the other.
Red Devils are Mesoamerican in origin, and so require completely different water parameters to Oscars. They are also too aggressive to be tankmates for Oscars, or practically any other South American Cichlid.
If you were to increase the number of Geophagus and remove the Pantodon, instead of getting the larger fish, you should have no problems and you would have the basis for a fairly peaceful but active community of fish.
If you do want large character fish why not think about Uaru? Your tank will only be big enough to hold a pair once adult, but they are a delightful fish that will cohabit well with all the other fish you mention (again, other than the Butterfly fish).

Posted: 06 Feb 2003, 16:03
by Zack
The gephagus you describe sounds nothing like mine. He is teh biggest pig in the whole tank and in any tank hes ever been in. Also when i baught him he was with three others and they all faught soo much that eventualy he was the only one left. As far as water quality is concerned iv already thaught about that and the tank is already outfitted with a magnum 220 canister and a 220 h.o.t and i have other smaller h.o.t's i could add if the water ever got too scuzzy.I had kinda planned on moving the butterfly anyways and it sounds like i might not have a geophagus after all (although he does sift gravle all the time) to tell the truth im not sure what he is iv never been able to find him in any of axlerods books or on the internet anywhere, he does look similar to most geophagus though and hes deffinately not african. Instead of two oscars would one oscar and some other kind of large cichlid be better?? If so what kind?? Iv had needle nose gar before
(the ones that only get a foot) would they do alright with a oscar?? well thanks for all your help.

Posted: 06 Feb 2003, 17:10
by coelacanth
Zack wrote:The gephagus you describe sounds nothing like mine. He is teh biggest pig in the whole tank and in any tank hes ever been in.
Is there any way you can post a picture?
If so please send it by E- or PM, to avoid going OT (eh?).

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 00:50
by Zack
I'll take a picture as soon as i can and just send it to you through e mail. I have to let the camera load so it will be a hour or so though.

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 00:54
by Zack
One thing that may help id him is that he changes colors ALL the time. Normaly he is just a bale yellow brown color but his bottomb fins turn balck with neone blue in them and his dorsal fin is red with blue on top and then black on the outside edges his tail is transluecent with blue speckles and the top is lined in red and so is the bottomb. He get a black mark over is eye that goes up and down when he feeds as well as a black dot in the middle of his body sometimes instead of a dot he gets vertical black stripes or sometimes just a horizontal black line. Sorry if my description sounds like a five year olds but im in ahurry. Thanks

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 05:30
by Zack
Well the fish you suggested it might be sounds like it from the descriptions iv read but doesnt look like it from the pictures iv seen. It also seems like there is alot of different fish under this name. Do you know of a particular site that has the correct photo??? Thanks

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 16:51
by Taratron
Does anyone else see a problem with foot-long fish (two of them) in a four foot tank? Anyone besides me?

The breeders I've spoken to recommend 55 BARE MINIMUM APIECE. Like how a human can live in a 8*8 room. It's called a jail cell. Bare minimum to survive.

Not to mention the fact I've seen pictus at 10 inches. Can anyone here honestly tell me that three of these cats, as well as the raphaels, will be happy in this small of a setup?

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 03:56
by Zack
I find it hard to believe youve ever seen pictus ten inches long since they dont grow over five inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you even know what a pictus is??? The tank could probably hold five pictus. And yes i think them and the raphaels are perfectly fine in "This small of a settup". And i think we had already figured out that the tank is too small for two adult oscars.

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 08:23
by Nermal

I think the Urau is a good choice for the large bodied fish you desire. Although you seem to want an Oscar, at least one. The needle nose gar seems like it might be a fair choice, although I can't think of many fish that make good tank mates with an oscar. There are a few combinations that I have seen sometimes work. The trick to making this work is to get both fish when they are relatively small and introduce them bothto the new tank at the same time (preferably within 24 hours, no more than 3 days difference). I have heard of red devils and jack dempseys being successfully housed with oscars. I've also heard of these fish tearing ecah other to shreds. The later happened when a new fish was introduced to another fishes established tank.[/i]

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 08:24
by Nermal
Convict might work also.

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 18:23
by Zack
Thanks for the advise nermal. I think rather than the cichlids I will just go with two needle nose gar,and porbably one ornate pim and one lima shovle nose,and some kind of tetra that is big enough not to be eaten by eather. Any suggsetion on the tetras?? What about diamond tetras?? Bleeding hearts??

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 18:26
by Silurus
The only tetras I can think of that are large enough not to get eaten are Buenos Aires tetras , but they require cooler water.
You can also try Congo tetras, if you don't mind departing from the New World theme.

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 18:28
by Zack
Know any places where i can get some info on the urau?

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 21:08
by Nermal
I'll think about the Urau and where to find info.

Here's a thought, although not tetras. Tinfoil barbs get quite large (I've seen them at ~5") and aren't agressive. Somewhat similar in form to tetras.

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 21:36
by dad
Actually Tinfoil Barbs get much larger than 5" more like in the 12" plus range. They are also a very active shoaling species that needs a lot of open space. They would be okay in a 55 only a while.

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 23:29
by Zack
Aside from being too big i realy dont want any asian fish in this tank. Any info on the urau??

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 03:50
by Nermal
Some info, but a little dated....

behavioraly similar to discus, but not a delicate species. Gentile behahior. Breed in angel-discus fashion generally off the bottom of the aquarium. Says they should be given a tank of their own....

Cichlids of the World, 1973. Dr. Robert J. Goldstein

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 06:41
by Zack
Thanks nermal. Does anyone know any place online where i can get some info on them?? Were talking about uraus. Thanks again nermel. I just want to see a picture before i go ahead and have the lfs order them for me. How big do they get??

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 07:24
by Nermal
About 10 inches ... hoides.htm

also known as the Chocolate Cichlid (WARNING: not the only species known by this common name)

Urau/Uaru amphiacanthoides (note variable genus spelling)

Primarily vegetarian (I'd feed no salt french cut green geans, spirulena sticks, zuccni, lettuce)

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 17:32
by Zack
Thanks again nermel. Youv been a huge help. But i had already been to those links and theres no pictures. I'll look in my axlerods book.

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 20:39
by Nermal

You are right about the first site, ther is no picture. But the second site has a picture of two parents with their spawn! This one : ... hoides.htm If you don't get the picture you might check your computer settings (HTML enabled?) But I am the last person to ask about that.

I did a search for Uaru amphiacanthoides and came up with a bunch of hits. (NOTE THE SPELLING) its correct here so you could copy and paste the name from here to the search engine.

Posted: 17 Feb 2003, 03:27
by Zack
Alright i got the pick that time just had to wait a little while. Im pretty sure iv seen those for sale in the shops around here but it seems to me they were very pricey. I'll ask the lfs tommorrow to check on prices. Neat looking fish. Are they very common?


Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 12:02
by nolan
they get big!! to 12" and need company of there own kind or they will pine away. they will need a large tank when adult at least 4x2x2. they need good water conditions similar to discus if they are to thrive. and they breed in a similar way to discus the fry get nutrition from adults mucus membranes.
they need warm 78-86f water very clean and soft and acid.
they are omnivourus but need a lot of plant matter in there dies.
they need planted tanks which is a problem because they eat plants.
they can be very shy if kept with no cover.
they retail in the uk at £12-14 for a baby fish 2" or so and you would need to by at least 4-6 to get a pair.
re keeping oscars.
they need a large tank at least 6x2x2 in my experince for a pair or you might find the male will kill the feamle and any tank mates in a smaller tank.
the best tank mate for an oscar is another oscar.
catfish are possible but they must be robust and not delicate. long fins etc probably will get nipped.

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 05:54
by integra121083
two adult oscars are too big for a 55 gallon even by themselves. 75 gals. are much better for keeping large fish than 55 gals. the extra depth really helps out.

Posted: 06 May 2003, 07:40
by Zack
Thanks integra, Iv ditched that idea and stuck with small cichlids, im looking at getting a few rams and maybe some blue acaras.

Posted: 06 May 2003, 14:15
by coelacanth
Zack wrote:Thanks integra, Iv ditched that idea and stuck with small c*****ds, im looking at getting a few rams and maybe some blue acaras.
Just a note, Rams and Blue Acaras are not really compatible. The Acaras will terrify the Rams. A nice combination would be Blue Acaras and Red-Hump Geophagus (Geophagus steindachneri), similar sized fish but very different in appearance and behaviour. Just make sure the Blue Acaras really are this fish, you sometimes get young Green Terrors being sold as this species.

Posted: 06 May 2003, 15:51
by Zack
are there any other dwarf cichlids that would be compatible with the rams?

oscar tankmates

Posted: 08 May 2003, 11:17
by general-sherman
so you've seen 5" tinfoils?
did you know they reach up to (and sometimes beyond) 14"?
sorubim lima and pimelodus ornatus are probably not a good choice for a tank this size.
i think its cruelty to keep anything over 8" in a 4' tank.

Posted: 09 May 2003, 01:34
by Zack
As i already said, i decided not to go with that idea.