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Sailfin Body - Catfish Head

Posted: 30 May 2004, 19:43
by silvernes
I'm sorry I can't muster a more complete description then this, but my digital camera has gone for a walk again.

My new "pleco" looks alot like a sail-fin (same body & fins) but he's got a different head. So big black fins & huge dorsal with white spots.His head is alot more round then a sail-fin & he's got no sucker on his mouth. Also he's got big black eyes with white eyes placed on the sides of his head instead of the top.

He's got lots of barbles on his mouth & actually punctured the two bags he was in on the way home (don't worry I live close to the pet shop :)).

If anyone has any idea what he could be it would be much appreciated, he's in with my Oscars now & although he was in with other cichs at the store he's been chasing my Os around and I want to make sure for sure they are safe with him :).



Posted: 30 May 2004, 19:51
by Silurus

Posted: 30 May 2004, 19:56
by silvernes
Sort of like the second one but with even more rounded head. It looks almost like he's got a terminal mouth - it's just on the bottom of his head :?


Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:07
by silvernes
ok he looks kinda like an 'upside down catfish' except he's 8" head to tail same type of triple barbles though & lyre shaped caudle (tail) fin.


Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:11
by Silurus

Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:26
by silvernes
YES! That's what he looks like!! :)

He's all black with white spots though - is that just a variety diffenence? He also looks a little longer then 6" (but maybe that's just me) could they get that much bigger if their previous owner had taken that good a care of him (I think he's been at the shop for a while - a leftover, that's why they didn't know what he was)?

He does look ALOT like that species though :D


Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:35
by silvernes
He looks alot like the cat from this video recently posted under "tank talk"


Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:36
by Silurus
Which one? There were two in there: and .

Posted: 30 May 2004, 20:38
by silvernes
Like: Synodontis eupterus

I guess he's just dark :D

Thank you soooo much for you help!!! I'm glad I can rest now knowing he's not about to take a chunk out of one of my oscars :D

& I guess getting him for 7.99 was an even better deal then I thought!!!! :)
