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Long-nose leopardus?

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 12:00
by xsu-xsu
I aquired 4 of these monsters (6cm each roughly) yesterday claiming to be c.virginae. Obviously no chance of this. Unfortunately I haven't had as much time to study my fish lately, otherwise I would have smelled a rat instantly!! They were quite expensive at 9 quid a piece. I now know I've been ripped off, but hey, they are stunning fish!!

Anyway, looking at Ian's site, these fish look like c. leopardus but for the long-nose. Can someone positively confirm this or suggest any other ideas please!!



The bottom photo especially shows there is a orangish colouration on the back of the head, but this is covered with lines.
All of them seem to have a vague central body stripe.

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 12:15
by Coryman
As yet this fish is not on my site, mainly because I need to check it out properly, but I am sure it will be C129. There is another species similar with a large ovate black blotch in the middle of the dorsal this one is C131.

BTW C. leopardus is a long snouted species.


Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 12:45
by xsu-xsu
Thanks Ian!!

Did I pay over the odds for them Ian?

Any other information you can give me, eg, adult size. Do you know of any other sites that show pictures or information on this species?

Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 18:28
by polkadot
hi xsu xsu it looks like the one i got recently, was ID as C131.


Posted: 06 Jun 2004, 20:57
by xsu-xsu
Yes, they're nearly identical polka!!

Which begs the question, what is the difference between C129 and C131?

The only thing that can't be made out is the difference in dorsal fin as it can't be seen in yours, Polka.