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How many plecos to 350l tank?

Posted: 20 Feb 2003, 08:41
by Pilgrim
I'm planning to new tank for my discus and my plan is now this:
4-5 discus, 20 hemigrammus bleheri, 4 microgeophagus ramirezi, L-270, L-66, L-129, L-30 (algae guard :wink: ) and maybe two panaqolus cf. maccus
Is there too much population to that tank? Are those plecos good to temperature of 30C? Would you leave some of them out of the plan, or add something?
I'm dreaming of a L-260 but I suppose that there will be too many plecos if I add it to my list.
I'm trying to make a good environment to the plecos as well as the discus. There will be lots of rocks and wood to hide and and I will change the water a lot.