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Friendliness of Hoplos

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 12:49
by Cory_lover
Hi everyone..juzz wanna know..i bought a hoplo recently (about 3 weeks ago), and its already grown by about 1/2 cm..and is fatter already!!!!

Also, whenever i put my hand in the tank to feed the corys and hoplos and other fish their frozen brineshrimp, my lovely little hoplo would swim up to my fingers and eat from my hand!!!! :D

Anyone else's hoplos do this as well?

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 13:14
by coelacanth
Get a few more, grow them on and breed them. Once you've actually been attacked by a nest-guarding male Hoplo you might change your opinion! You can't help but be impressed that a 6 inch fish will quite happily take on all comers. They've surprised me several times when feeding them by having my hand knocked out of the tank only to see the male glaring at me through the glass quite ready to have another go!

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 18:28
by Sid Guppy
I've got Hoplosternum punctatum that are half that size and just as crazy!
believe me; you'll get VERY wet!

Posted: 23 Feb 2003, 03:19
by Cory_lover just scared me a little bit...hmm...looks like i have to enjoy their affectioness while i can!!!!! hahaha....

should i get one more? Or is it better alone? It looks like its doign well on its own in my tank...

Posted: 23 Feb 2003, 15:26
by Darkangel
I used to have a breeding pair of H. thoracatums. One day while going through the room feeding all the fish worms, I came to their tank. Now lets set this up right. In my left hand I am carrying a tub full of worms, with my right I am picking them up and feeding the tanks. When I came to this tank my attention was drawn elswhere and WHAMO out of nowhere the big male nailed my hand. It startled the **** out of me and you can imagine what happened to that cotainer full of worms. Every once in a while I still come across a dehydrated worm body stuck to the cieling.

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 08:34
by Cory_lover
hahahaha.......well my hoplo doesn't do that at the moment..hehehee

Posted: 26 Feb 2003, 15:52
by Chrysichthys
I have a pair of Hoplosternum littorale which are hand-tame. They're pests if I'm working with my hands in the tank; they nuzzle my palms looking for food. They also know when I'm approaching their tank, and come up to the surface to beg.

Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 12:04
by Cory_lover
er...actually on that note, juzz wanna ask something. Under normal circumstances, is a male hoplo still as aggressive when u put your hands in the tank, compared to a male who is spawning or is chasing after a female?????

Posted: 20 Mar 2003, 17:53
by Pectorale
" is a male hoplo still as aggressive when u put your hands in the tank, compared to a male who is spawning or is chasing after a female?????"

No they are not, even when nesting they will only defend the nest area against ALL comers, but you can still do maintenance like cleaning and changing water without problems.
Watch your fingers though if you try and remove a nest, those pectoral spines hurt if they prick you and CAN cause infections, they're slimecoated I think.

Posted: 23 Mar 2003, 05:30
by Cory_lover
thanks for the replies guys!!!! :)