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apple snail laying eggs

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 09:11
by caril
i have 2 apple snails in my tank for 2-3 months already.
yesterday, i found a cluster of eggs just above the water surface and i'm sure it belongs to the apple snails.
hard and yellowish in colour, cluster together like a sweetcorn.
not sure whether i should keep it there as i don't want my tank to be infested with snails.
any advice on what i should do next??? thanks...

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 14:10
by Caol_ila

Ive never had more than one but i think they need high humidity and quite letting them develop next to the cover and light is the best way to get them should be able to pick the snails when they roam your tank.

good luck

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 18:29
by coelacanth
They won't infest your aquarium, they have large eggs and the young snails are easy enough to pick out and distribute. I find young apple snails are great in tank with fry, they mop up uneaten food and also keep the numbers of hydra down should these get into your tank.

Posted: 26 Feb 2003, 16:30
by caril
alright, i will keep them...
keep u guys update on their progress.

Posted: 26 Feb 2003, 20:23
by polkadot
I can adopt them! :D

Posted: 27 Feb 2003, 03:18
by caril
i give u some once they hatch.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 16:18
by smilingSyno
I have a pair that has laid 4 clutches of eggs within about 2 months....
the first batch hatched... took about 2 weeks... then the day they
were hatching I noticed the female laid another clutch under one
of the whisper 3 filters.... then a week later another batch under
the other filter.... and then one on the side of the tank just above
the water line a 4th batch.... geeze....
(I had noticed a lot of intimate activity with the pair!!)
I took the batch laid under the filter hood and put it over the
water of another tank and now I have babies in there as well.....
Still waiting on the others to hatch.
If you live in south Florida you are welcome to come get some.
I have plenty of trumpet snails too... just email me.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 16:31
by caril
do u need to feed the baby snails?
i'm not sure abt their diet... :roll:

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 16:54
by smilingSyno
Tank is planted with mostly jave ferns... I put some
zucchini in there sometimes, but not all the babies
flock to it.... normally I feed my fish a variety of foods
as well as spirulina disc.....
the adults seem to be doing good with all their breeding
activity and the pooo that they deliver about the tank....

I guess its just safe to say the snails eat the crumbs
from the fish as well as decaying plants....
check out