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Is it L-15?

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 03:06
by Chill
As often happens when i get a new fish I look at lots of mugshots on the web and in books and only :? myself.


Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 08:42
by Silurus
It's not L 15 (at least it doesn't look like one to me), but I don't know what it is.

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 20:11
by Dinyar
Yes, I agree that this does not look like L015 to me, but fishes that look like yours are notoriously difficult to classify.

Several years ago I bought two very nice Peckoltia that were sold as L15. I sent pictures to Jools and Erwin Schraml. After some discussion, they concluded it was L080.
(Picture is here: ... /675_f.htm).

Jools would be the best person to ID your fish and explain why it's not L015.



Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 21:00
by oneoddfish
I surely don't want to insinuate that I know more than you two.Because I'm not even close to that level of fish knowledge. But by studying several pic's. the marking's by eye's and pattern going down back look's almost identical to me.The coloration is off a bit but that alway's changes with mood and such. what are you guy's going by? I'm looking at pic's in aqualog.

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 21:27
by Silurus
Aqualog gets their L-number wrong a number of times. There are more authoritative sources than that.

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 22:28
by Chill
I just added a pick of the eye, thats what makes me belive it can be something else then an L-15

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 02:47
by Chill
little bumb for Jools

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 01:48
by Chill
Janne sent me a msg on a different matter and without knowing it meantioned L-199, I think it's a match with the one in the Cat-eLog.

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 02:12
by Dinyar
and without knowing it meantioned L-199, I think it's a match with the one in the Cat-eLog.
Doubt it, unless the coloration varies dramatically. I have this fish, and IMO it doesn't look like yours.


Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 23:24
by Janne
This pictures shows the different in L15 and L199.


Fixed for you Janne, right click on pic and copy properties.
Tim (clothahump)

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 23:29
by Janne
It seems not to work, look in my album instead. ... ry/album48


Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 08:47
by Jools
Well, I would call this fish Peckoltia vittata of which L15 is one form of although the fish doesn't appear to be that variable given its current definition (a revalidation might well expand this greatly).

Any chance of sneaking up to the fish in the dark (dark room & dark tank) and taking a photo of the eyes?


Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 10:28
by Janne
Thanks Tim.
This Peckoltia vittata come in with a shipment of catfish and discus from rio xingu and rio tapajos, there for I thought it's L15 . The other one L199 was sold as LDA19 and come in with a shipment from Colombia last week.
I will try to take a new photo of her eyes and hopefully you can help me to be sure wich vittata it is.


Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 20:32
by Janne
This is the best shot I can take, my camera is not so good for macro.


Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 02:08
by Chill
Here is a nightshot of the eye.
