My BLogs Right Breeding report for Corydoras (lineage 9) weitzmani by Zulan

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Sunday 14th of August 2016. The breeding group consisted of 6 males and 4 females. The smallest male was at least 30mm SL and the smallest female was at least 40mm SL. The individuals were obtained from Different sources, some WC.
1.JBL Novo Tabs (dry / prepared) few times a week
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 6.80 to 7.20
Conductivity 100µs to 200µs
Temperature 20.0°C to 24.0°C
Current Air (vertical)
Other Water Params Big water changes.
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 450mm x 400mm x 400mm (17.7" x 15.7" x 15.7") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Java moss, sand, mangrove vallisneria, anubias
Filtration Filter corner air driven
Lighting PowerGlo 30W T8/2
Heating None
Down Breeding
Behaviour T-Position, laying eggs one by one.
Eggs There were 20 yellow eggs laid which were 2.5mm in diameter.
Segregation Remove the eggs, hatch in separate container
Fry sizes 7 days: 0mm
14 days: 0mm
21 days: 0mm
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 0mm
3 months: 0mm
6 months: 0mm
Fry and juvenile feeding Microworm, D50+