Luiz Tencatt "The science behind naming Corydoradinae catfishes"

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Luiz Tencatt "The science behind naming Corydoradinae catfishes"

Post by djtrfish »

We are getting ready to kick off opening registration to the All-Aquarium Catfish Convention, and to celebrate our club's 35th anniversary, we will be hosting Luiz Tencatt as our guest speaker. We will stream to YouTube so everyone can watch!
"The science behind naming Corydoradinae catfishes". In this presentation, Luiz will show how the work starts, including looking for good places for expeditions and what is needed to conclude a specimen belongs to a new species, and how you have to proceed after for a formal, scientific description.
Luiz is a scientist working in Brazil, mainly with catfish, please support his work by donating directly to him thru Paypal at
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