Hemibagrus wyckioides

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Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by sbusby91 »

I recently picked up one of these at a LFS and am unsure whether I will be able to keep it. It is currently 3 inches in an 110 gallon tank. Current tank mates are an 8 inch Lima Shovel-nose and a 7 inch Sleeper Goby.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by Shane »

A beautiful fish and also one of the few that will happily kill even tankmates that are too large to eat.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Welcome to the Planet, neighbor! How much do you know about this fish? I mean was it an impulse buy or an educated one? What's your experience? Such a large and aggressive fish is a really tall order, decades-long, demanding, and expensive commitment.

A collection of relevant links for reference: http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... lit=+thumb
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by sbusby91 »

It was most definitely an impulse buy. After scrolling through those links, it is safe to say he is above my pay grade. Luckily I was able to return him. Thanks guys.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by unblinded »

sbusby91 it's great to hear that even though you made an impulse buy you were willing to do some forward thinking. So many times folks in the hobby just buy the fish and don't worry about the future. Good on you for taking him back to the store and not insisting your situation would be different. My hat's off to you. ^:)^ wyckioides are beautiful but out of most peoples abilities to house/care for them properly.
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Hemibagrus wyckioides

Post by KarthikC »

As Viktor said, this fish would demand long term commitment. That monster is going to gulp just about anything that fits in it's mouth.

Good that you realised you can't handle it and returned it. But, always nice to have catfish at your place. Good luck and looking forward to seeing some pics of your setup.



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