Hiding Synodontis Petricola

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Hiding Synodontis Petricola

Post by Lindalovesfish »

Hello. Newbie to the group here looking for some help.
Been keeping fish for around 20 years but after losing my big pleco (around 15 years old) I have added some new friends to my tank. It current has Boesemani rainbow fish, Dwarf neon rainbow fish, Rusty Pleco, Blue Panaque, Red longfin bristlenose pleco and 4 Synodontis Petricola. I don't see any bullying in my tank and the Plecos are all more than happy. My worry is my tweeny Synodontis Petricolas, I never see them! I know they are still there as I see them peak out occasionally at feeding time. They are maybe an inch big.
The tank is 4ft (243Lts) it has caves in the form of ornaments and ceramic tubes some driftwood and plants. I turn the blue light on and switch all white lights off to see if that encourages them but still no. I've got some rainbow slate I want to make caves out of and get rid of the horrible plastic ornaments so it is more natural.
Some questions if any one would help me please!
Should I be worried about them or is this normal behaviour, I'm concerned the large (in comparison) Boesemani may be scaring them? Is there any way I can encourage them out more? I read they will come out as they are older/bigger and if it is tank size would it be beneficial to move them to my 2ft tank till they are a bit bigger? Will it stress them to replace the plastic ornaments as that is where they hide? The stone will be set up to provide hiding places, some of which will be built around plastic bends. Not that I'm suggesting they like living in plastic! just that the caves can be made quite large for them to hide properly.
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Re: Hiding Synodontis Petricola

Post by Jools »

This is normal behaviour, they just need time to settle without a lot of change.

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