Cat-eLog Right Families Right†Hypsidoridae

Common member of the family Hypsidoridae
Down Family Overview
Features This family is now extinct and is known only from the fossil record.
Size Smallest 127mm, largest 281mm, average 204mm, most commonly 281mm. All SL.
Species There are 2 "species" in 1 genus in the database
Keepers 2 species (100%) are being kept by registered keepers
Distribution Fossils have been found in North America

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Down Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.††Hypsidoris2 species(3 keepers)
Down Most Kept Species
Down Alphabetic Species List
(Chronological | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.(i:2, k:2, b:0)
2.(i:1, k:1, b:0)