Cat-eLog Right Families Right Amphiliidae Right Doumeinae

Down Subfamily Overview

Belonoglanis brieniBelonoglanis brieni, a member of the subfamily Doumeinae

Size Range Smallest 50mm, largest 172mm, average 98mm, most commonly 50mm. All SL.
Species There are 35 species in 6 genera in the database.
Keepers 31 species (88%) are being kept by registered keepers.
Down Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.Phractura13 species(16 keepers)
2.Doumea9 species(8 keepers)
3.Belonoglanis3 species(5 keepers)
4.Trachyglanis5 species(5 keepers)
5.Congoglanis4 species(4 keepers)
Down Distribution of Doumeinae

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Down Most Kept Species
4.Phractura lindica(5.13%)
8.Trachyglanis intermedius(2.56%)
9.Phractura tenuicauda(2.56%)
12.Phractura longicauda(2.56%)
13.Phractura intermedia(2.56%)
14.Phractura gladysae(2.56%)
16.Phractura clauseni(2.56%)
17.Phractura brevicauda(2.56%)
18.Phractura bovei(2.56%)
19.Doumea thysi(2.56%)
20.Doumea stilicauda(2.56%)
21.Doumea skeltoni(2.56%)
22.Doumea reidi(2.56%)
23.Doumea gracila(2.56%)
24.Doumea chappuisi(2.56%)
25.Congoglanis sagitta(2.56%)
Down Alphabetic Species List
(Chronological | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.Andersonia leptura(i:0, k:1, b:0)
2.(i:15, k:3, b:0)
3.(i:3, k:1, b:0)
4.(i:7, k:1, b:0)
5.(i:3, k:1, b:0)
6.Congoglanis howesi(i:0, k:1, b:0)
7.Congoglanis inga(i:0, k:1, b:0)
8.Congoglanis sagitta(i:0, k:1, b:0)
9.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
10.Doumea chappuisi(i:0, k:1, b:0)
11.Doumea gracila(i:0, k:1, b:0)
12.Doumea reidi(i:0, k:1, b:0)
13.Doumea sanaga(i:0, k:0, b:0)
14.Doumea skeltoni(i:0, k:1, b:0)
15.Doumea stilicauda(i:0, k:1, b:0)
16.Doumea thysi(i:0, k:1, b:0)
17.(i:2, k:2, b:0)
18.(i:2, k:4, b:0)
19.Phractura bovei(i:0, k:1, b:0)
20.Phractura brevicauda(i:0, k:1, b:0)
21.Phractura clauseni(i:0, k:1, b:0)
22.(i:3, k:1, b:0)
23.Phractura gladysae(i:0, k:1, b:0)
24.Phractura intermedia(i:0, k:1, b:0)
25.Phractura lindica(i:0, k:2, b:0)
26.Phractura longicauda(i:0, k:1, b:0)
27.(i:1, k:1, b:0)
28.(i:4, k:1, b:0)
29.Phractura stiassny(i:0, k:0, b:0)
30.Phractura tenuicauda(i:0, k:1, b:0)
31.(i:10, k:2, b:0)
32.Trachyglanis intermedius(i:0, k:1, b:0)
33.(i:1, k:1, b:0)
34.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
35.(i:1, k:1, b:0)