My BLogs Right Breeding report for Ancistrus claro by AquaCavesUK

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Friday 5th of April 2019. The breeding group consisted of 1 male and 1 female. The smallest male was at least 70mm SL and the smallest female was at least 65mm SL. The youngest adult was approximately 36 months old. The individuals were obtained from Wild imports via Silkworth Aquatics UK.
1.JBL Novo Pleco chips (dry / prepared) daily
2.Tetra Prima (dry / prepared) daily
3.Courgette (Zuccini) (dry / prepared) daily
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 7.80 to 7.90
Temperature 26.0°C to 26.5°C
Current Medium
Other Water Params Water softner resin pillow in crystalprofi e1501 external filter - filter is oversized by a factor x4 for tank volume.
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 991mm x 381mm x 610mm (39" x 15" x 24") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Bare bottom, 3x drift wood, 3x caves ( 2 square terra, 1 brown D) plastic plants, 4 large Moss Balls. The caves made by myself - they oddly choose the one with biggest internal opening... and was the square type
Filtration Crystalprofi e1501 external filter - filter is oversized by a factor x4 for tank volume.
Lighting Single 39w T5 Ehiem daylight tube on timer from 6am till 11pm
Heating External Hydor in filter pipework
Down Breeding
Behaviour Cooler water changes trigger spawning Eggs distinctly lighter and more see through than normal bristlenoses Fry at 4 weeks distinct pattern
Eggs There were 35 amber eggs laid which were 2.0mm in diameter.
Time to hatch 14 days
Number: 31
Free swimming: 10 days
Segregation Male hatched eggs fine, but had to force release fry to tank on day 14 as male over protective - still check cave daily and release any fry that have been rounded up. LDA08's have bred again on 14/05/2019
Fry sizes 7 days: 0mm
14 days: 0mm
21 days: 0mm
7 days
14 days
21 days
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 0mm
3 months: 0mm
6 months: 0mm
1 month
Fry and juvenile feeding Discus Prima granules crushed, flake crushed, shrimp pellets, shrimp labs micro bacteria promoting film