My BLogs Right Breeding report for Hoplisoma duplicareum by donpetty

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Monday 17th of June 2013. The breeding group consisted of 4 males and 2 females. The individuals were obtained from The Wet Spot, Portland, OR.
1.Various frozen foods (frozen) daily
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 7.60 to 7.60
Temperature 24.0°C to 24.5°C
Current Medium
Other Water Params Cold water changes weekly with Kapata leaf added.
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 610mm x 305mm x 406mm (24" x 12" x 16") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Sand with potted Anabias and small wood with half flower pot for cover.
Filtration Corner sponge and Aquean hob filter for current
Lighting Low lighting with 24" fluorescent bulb on timer
Heating None Room stays about 78f
Down Breeding
Behaviour Several males chasing around females 1 day after 70% cold water change. Typical "T" position and Female seemed to only carry 1 egg at a time and was cautious about egg placement. although potted plant with large leaves and spawning mop offered, she preferred the front glass in the flow of the hob filter.
Eggs There were 12 light whitish tan eggs laid which were 0.0mm in diameter.
Fry sizes 7 days: 0mm
14 days: 0mm
21 days: 0mm
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 0mm
3 months: 0mm
6 months: 0mm